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Everything posted by StrayGenius

  1. Thanks got it working and released the final (V1.4) of "incinerator" mod - gets rid of corpses (either freshly killed or killed ones the game failed to get rid of). My "formlist" of actors is the complete list short of the "essential" actors. Everyone should know that mods that add actors - won't have those actor corpses seen by incinerator and cremated. But it's a lot better than before, the original idea has been achieved. To allow the player to cull corpses the game did not. Thanks Reneer :D
  2. I created a new "formlist" using the "new" under the "formlist" listing - it shows like a container - I dragged and dropped my object "IncineratorFootlocker" - a copy of "footlocker" container into it - added it to a script editing the objectreference script's "properties" - a script that is attached to a weapon. Any way you could post your door script?
  3. objectreference[] pCloseStuff = FindAllReferencesOfType(pForm,700) I have created a formlist in the creation kit - and tried too many times to get this to work, in spite of the compile coming back with no errors on each iteration of the trial and error method - it's ... crap software if you ask me, this app maker that compiles stuff with proper syntax that does not work or have a hope of working. I also tried "FindAllReferencesWithType" passing it a formlist of an item I had created and in testing with the object right in front of me in-game - it returned the infamous "none." I see that most items don't even use keywords or have them. So FindAllReferencesWithType seems to be the logical route. I also read that this is bugged and only looks for the first form in the formlist. But... how ffs do you specify that list so that it actually does something instead of returning "none" ???? I followed a thread where supposedly someone solved this issue and was able to 'look around' at all the references of "typetofind" - but amazingly the two people who were chatting in the thread did not reveal the solution. Just that the mod he was working on was released. Great. If you don't know - mod script source is not included in a release - there's no way to see the solution even if you get the mod and look at it in the creation kit. I tried all the versions of 'looking around' in terms of getting object references including "Game.FindClosestReferenceOfAnyTypeInListFromRef" - and they all return "none" - ffs Anyone?
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