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Everything posted by OverYaR

  1. It's a lot of work and it will cause a lot of issues / performance issues. Could be nice if a crazy one tryes to make this real x)
  2. Being able to play a "Draug" / modified draug. With racial bonuses / maluses etc. Why not :P could be fun !
  3. +1 I enchanted a Glassbow for Lidia but she still uses her damn hunting bow..... (just an exemple)
  4. Hi Skyrim players ! All that will be said is more ideas than requests)) That could be cool to play, but i do understand that it's hardly realesable / or timeeating +needs the Bethesda tool. The main idea: An Underworld style Werewolf / Vampire war. Not designed to play the main quests. // Very much disbalancing (humans are meat...) It could be balanced as underworld (Ww / Vamp abilities) // it is already a bit actually, i may say what's already in game. That's normal. My vision(not the one you're forced to agree with) of this balance: Vampires: More tactical abilities (the actual abilities are good, dunno what could be cool to add) + 100% stamina or +some% stamina regen speed +50% HP or +some% of HP regen +10% speed Silverweak as the werewolves Maybe + magica ? + skills every where (+10 / 20) when stage 1, 2, 3 and lowers skills when stage 4 (you're becoming a beast) More difference between stages! Low fall damage More malus during the day (when stage 1+) // maybe even damage to HP during the day ? Hipotetical all this is, keep that in mind. Werewolves: + 50% stamina or +some% stamina regen speed +25% HP or +some% of HP regen +20% speedv (at stage 3 / 4) +A stage system! Higher you are in stage, more you can control your transformation (Stage 1, it's during night and random for ex, stage 2 once 24h and usable only at night, stage 3 fully controlled, stage 4 you get bonuses when transformed (more stam, hp, faster?) +A berserk bonus after eating in wolf form ? Maybe magica malus ? When transformed: The actual game thing with more HP / Stamina / Damage (to still be much stronger that a NPC vampire, but not that much, for the vampires not to become pure meat) The location part: Two "keeps" (For vampires sound lorefair, but for werewolves could be a lair ?) With new npcs + quests inside each keep for each faction. Reputation system for each faction and opposed missions, a la Empire / STormcloaks. ______________ Let's dream a bit more: Vampires: make humans die while you feed more than one time ? (means the vampire keep needs a dedicated village that only use is feed x) with respawning villagers / maybe some quests ? A conversion into vampire system ? ( for this same village ) = A possibility to make more vampires on your side They die in fights against werewolves / others. Werewolves: A village to feed also, with quests etc. Main quest against vampires x) Conversion system to fulfil your ranks etc. + A possibility for both factions to your forces into skirmishes. When you've done enough to become the leader. Many other things could be added to this. Feel free to add any idea! That's what been in my head for some days. Couldn't resist, even i know it's not realy good for a basic "mod request".
  5. +1 Or make the horse gallop a bit faster + a bit longer, not to make it too omfggamebreak
  6. Well, personnally i didn't find it difficult to get back from stage 4 to 1. Itsn't this accident a part of the immersion ? For me it is)) Try the next s***: 1/ Stay here on your companions 2/ Travel to riverwood (do it while sneaking, means you press control before traveling) 3/ Flee the dudes that will attack you 4/ Come back 5/ Find a lony house, enter while sneaking, drink some blood = become welcome everywhere again. 6/ IF you're spoted in the house even if you move very very very slowly to your sleeping bloodcup - the next try run on your aim and feed before he has the time to up. He'll be almost on his legs, but you'll still be able to feed. You may use in the house Embrace of Shadows (something like that) that makes you invisible and feed while invisible. And then go cure yourself at Morthal. Even with low sneak ( around 25 ), all this is easy to do x)
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