It's funny reading all these salty PC elitists losing the last thing they have over consoles players. Saying "Console is a poor-mans computer" and saying that modding is a grown-up activity, etc... Are you guys slow? I have an Xbox one and love the thing. I don't think you guys realize that no singular GAME MACHINE is objectively better than the other. And before you say "lol console pleb gtfo noob" I'm typing this on a $1300 rig you poor bastards. Come on guys, it's sad, grow up. And for OP I don't have anything constructive to say to you because I'm new to FO modding, however don't let these chumps put you down.. There is no "modding community" like everyone likes to claim. There is however a VERY small group of talented people who make mods, who deserve to be commended. And there's a HUGE group of spuds who just download mods (I fall into this category btw, except that part ->) who have their heads up their asses. Why do you think mods are coming to consoles? It's because the mod creators are doing it for the love of the craft. Why do you think people (that don't make mods) hate the idea of mods coming to the consoles? It's because they need something to feel superior about. Edit: I forgot to mention about the saints who actually help others fix issues with their mods. Which I don't think there is many in this thread.