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Everything posted by DPEntertainment

  1. Hi, I'm having trouble getting my SSE to launch. When I run SKSE64 (Build 2.0.7) the command window opens for a split second, as per usual, then nothing. I checked task manager and every time I launch SKSE64, SSE will open in the background for about 5 seconds, then closes. Skyrim Performance Monitor 64 doesn't even pick up the game Here is my load order, copied from LOOT: I also have: True 3D Sound for Headphones Skyrim Level Uncapper Achievements Mods Enabler JContainers PapyrusUtil The log files look clean but I can supply them if needed Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance
  2. After leaving Vault 111 during the start of the game, I walk to Sanctuary and the game CTDs as soon as I finish walking down the path. The game doesn't even hang, just an immediate CTD Any help is appreciated Papyrus log: https://hastebin.com/fafunacate.sql Load order: https://hastebin.com/abaroyaxup.sql
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