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Everything posted by craeteeee

  1. me and my friend are using the exact same mods and ive even tried copying my data 3 and having him use mine and it still wont let him join
  2. Can anyone tell me if this is possible without the geck?
  3. There was a mod in Fallout new vegas, which made all the bullets into actual projectiles, and I would love to see it in this game, because I want to be Neo.
  4. it would also be nice if someone could tell me where the variable is would also be nice
  5. I would like if someone could make a mod where the sprint speed is around 15% faster. The current speed bugs me cause I feel like a witcher would be faster.
  6. Could someone make a retexture for the road leathers so that the pants are denim? That would be amazing.
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