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About SkyTaylor21

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  1. Ok, I'll give it a go whenever I can find the time :)
  2. You mean just uploaded so people can look at it and try to fix it?
  3. I'm using a newer version of blender ( I think it's 2.7 maybe) and I didn't think there was a nif plugin for that one. And my last comment has a typo... I didn't export it as an .obj, I exported it as .3ds. Not sure if that makes a difference
  4. They should be the same as the iron sword. I just exported it as an obj and imported it into nifskope over the iron sword then exported it as a nif. IMG of the BSLightingShaderProperties
  5. I made a lego sword for skyrim or at least attempted to but for some reason the texture isn't smooth and flat like it was supposed to be. For the texture I just used a simple grey dds and no normal map. This is the image https://imgur.com/a/UMDFj The thing that bothers me most is the fact that you can see the faces of the mesh and the fact that it is shiny. I really just want a flat grey sword with very little gloss. If anyone has any ideas, I would be glad to hear them.
  6. I'm trying to make a retexture of the turn undead spell art for skyrim. I want to make a black retexture of it but I can't find the texture in the skyrim textures folder. Does anyone know where I can find it?
  7. For what it's worth I actually love the new design. Congrats to the people who designed it. The only problem I have is that it feels more clunky or something. Like everything should be compressed more so there isn't so much scrolling to get to a particular spot. It would be awesome if you could compress the size of everything so that it is more like the old design while still keeping the amazing new look that you guys came up with. Overall great work. Love you guys :)
  8. I did but I never selected the view new layout thing. So, I wasn't sure why it switched.
  9. Has the new design been officially released? I went on to find that it had been switched to the new design but I still have the option to view the old design.
  10. So from what i can see, all the oblivion links are not found except for new hair and a dragon conversion. There are some havok subpages but I don't think I would need those. There is a subpage titled Oblivion/Oblivion 201 - Meshes and Data too. Is that what mesh data should look like in NifSkope? If so, can I just make a mesh and export it as a NIF and then change the data so it matches that?
  11. I don't know much about blender or 3D modeling but i would really like to start making some new models for oblivion. I've searched google quite a bit but can't find any real tutorials on how to make new assets for oblivion with blender. So would anyone be willing to walk me through the process or does anyone have some tutorials I can follow? Right now, my hope is to make some skyrim inspired architecture for oblivion, so I don't need any armor and skeleton tuorials. I will appreciate any help. Thanks:)
  12. So, I've been looking into the game PREY recently and really like the weapons in it. I decided that just for the fun of it, I wanted guns in skyrim (even though I'm not really one to want guns), but the only thing I can find is a mod on a Skyrim Modtype site but the website almost looks kinda fishy to me. Are there any other mods that add guns? I don't care if they are lore friendly bc now I know how to add new textures to things so I can always add a dwemer texture to it or something. Thanks in advance for any help. :)
  13. Yep... I'm almost satisfied with the results.
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