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  1. Awesome, this is very useful. Thanks. I've began working on it now actually. Can easily be implemented once the CK is released.
  2. Awesome, k. I'll do a bit of research, familiar myself with more of the lore around that subject, and get on my way.
  3. I like the magma level idea. Why use actual dragons when you could use magma? It would really give it a ancient, deep, secret feel. Perhaps it could also be rigged like the entrence to the SHT. Some traps, puzzles, ect to give it more play value and fun for the player. Just tossing that out there. And btw, if ya want I could actually write one of those books that could go with the blades. Just would need a objective.
  4. @Draco- Yeah, I also mentioned either upward and downward progress. It would be easier for the level designers to go downward, but more beautiful and eye-candy for upward, and would make it easier for dragon ally stuff. On the terms of recruitment, because I have done things like it before (just not for elder scroll games mind you) i'd take level designer, some 3d modeling, perhaps some voice acting, and definitely testing. I'm good for that. lol
  5. In the means of discovering new shouts, perhaps it can be like the alchemy system. You can try to combine shouts and if it works, boom, discovered. Either via experimenting or found out by the lore master, Esbern, ect. Perhaps there could be like a fail shout that gives a penalty to the player. That'll even it out and restrict the player from power combining.
  6. I'm sure there is a way to create a shout by combining other shouts for another use. Like alchemy, you can make one combo with one set, but another combo using some of those same materials and change it up. In terms of the Eragon style, I loved the movie (lol) and I think it might be a good idea. I however think the original recruitment process is a bit bland, just talking to the person, nothing official. I think that it should be like an elder scroll, at least, when you activate it. Perhaps an oath scroll from the older higher ranks of the blades lost in time. The lore master and whats not find it, tells the player to seek it out, and bam. A little texture change would obviously be in order however, but it would make it seem a bit more official. Either this, or an actual ceremony. Would be good to see something more epic. When it comes to drag along recruits, one thing I found in non-quest-essentials is that they may not be able to die from normal enemys, but if the player so much as hits them while they are downed, they die. So that might be something that needs to be fixed, Is it our job to fix this? Perhaps not. Just throwing it out there. I am completely on par with the recruiting missions however, it looks good. The Thalmor will HAVE to attack SHT, I do believe it is a must. The scripts are basically already in the game. The temples traps should be able to be re-activated in such an event as well. Would also be interesting if they somehow bring ballistics and siege weapons in later engagements.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUs0VCqc4ZE&feature=g-u Interestingly useable in the future for laziness on the dragons. lol
  8. Yeah, sadly khajiit are fond of warm climates (as the ones who ARE in Skyrim constantly complain of the cold) and are not very accepted in the land of the Nords. Which is weird for then not being able to take cold climates because of their fur. But I do believe that there should be more of them. The few that are existing are either merchants, random non-caring residents, or want to kill you and take your stuff. I've always wanted khajiits to at least be accepted in holds. I'm a khajiit and am friends with most of the Jarls. Should at least have a better view of my kind. lol
  9. I've been messing with dragons in Skyrim, and there are a nice number of named, non-quest dependent dragons roaming around. One I found by mistake in black reach. He seems to have no Earthly reason of existing there, as I don't think he is tied to ANY missions, and can be summoned at will when you know what to do. So that could be a potential dragon ally or kill mission. As for actual dragon quest, it is obviously possible to make actors (dragons in this case) "essential", making them immortal and only "bow in defeat". An act like that could trigger dialog if need be, and if things don't go right, you could force an execution and turn off the essential flag. As for upgrading the new temple of the blades, everything Logiwink summed it down to is gold. For the visuals however, I do believe that the entire temple should be upgrades as it improves, give it a more liveable, less rundown, and more efficient feel. There are two way of thinking about the reinventions, upward progress and downward progress. In this I mean of more space. The temple is atop a rather large mountain with nothing digging into it, caves etc. A underground building system would make it easier for you to make new areas. Just make a new area and fill in the void. Upward building might take a little bit of work for the fact that you would have to actually make it look well both inside and out. And linear additions would be limited unless you add like a overhang to the outside areas. For recruitment, there are an nice number of people who can originally join the blades, so just increasing that count would be easy enough. It would indeed take some work to get other classes to be join-able though, but that's a given. Imagine a quest or event that'll make all the members of the blades hunt at once. Ahh... the dream. Anyway, a few more living quarters would work fine. For the "dragons roost"... Hm... I got nothing for that. ^_^ But everything that is going on around here is lore-friendly and buy-able. It's amazing. I'm level 50+ and I'd start over just to have everything right with this mod. Also, don't forget about the forsworn camp outside the entrance. Something has to be done about that. Turn it into something useful, and not a constant dangerous area outside. Also, perhaps a re-routing khajiit caravan can stop buy and sell supplies sometimes? lol
  10. I also back the neutral position in the civil war. Perhaps a engagement with the other factions here and there, but neutral none the less. And with all of these theories and wishes for this mod, I easily see this as one of the top mods for Skyrim, you know I'd support it to the fullest. I love this.
  11. I was messing around with the console commands. Making people who can be married khajiit, the problems there are quite amazing. Nords with only khajiit mouths and tails. Or khajiit heads with black bodys and tails. No fun in that. D: And yeah, there should be more at least khajiits around. Most try to kill me. At least I kill them last eh?
  12. A trippy skyrim is a good skyrim I must say. And the script is already in skyrim for the shroomy vision with one of the gods. Shouldn't be much for the modders.
  13. So about the mod. ;P (secretly a bump)
  14. Before skyrim came out, I read an article about things that should be done once it does come out, and drinking was one of them. I'm actually quite surprized that the effects of being drunk from nord mead, wine, ect isn't in the game. I believe a simple buzzed effect should be in order eh? A little blur, awkward walking, and maybe even blacking out and waking up in mysterious places? Perhaps even question to find out what happened? ;P
  15. lol it's possible for the player, khajiit or not, to marry a Argonian, as I was proposed to one already for helping him out.
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