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About FlightlessBird

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    Medieval: Total War, both KOTORS
  • Favourite Game
    Morrowind, of course

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  1. Me! I play! Lvl 45 mage on Llane server. Also the guildmaster of my new guild =p. I would also say that the game is completely worth the cost. And for anyone like me, my parents dont like putting credit card info on the internet so I just buy the prepaid game cards. Seems to be working pretty well so far.
  2. That Ostrich aint got anything on me. Imagine a penguin doing a variety of dances, ranging from the robot to anything Michael Jackson does on stage (only on stage). ... Imagining yet? Now, wipe that image completly from your mind, and imagine a penguin flailing out of control on an ice, and not being able to get up. That would be more accurate. Now thats what I call dancing... *raises glass* Cheers!
  3. This is probably the best communtiy I've ever been in guys, even if it is the ONLY online community I've ever been in, so thanks a bunch Dark0ne for making it. ...the question is... Can Flightless birds dance? :huh2:
  4. I hear all these complaints about WoW, and I admit that there have been some bugs That I have experienced, But I've had a relatively good experience with the game. In fact, I've only had one 8 hour period where my server has been down out of the entire time i've played the game, And I'm lvl 34. (By the way, my server is Llane.) -To Dark0ne: Dont worry, its very easy to catch up with people higher leveled then you. Though I imagine youl just be going back to EQ2 anyway...
  5. ...*nervously looks around*... :ph34r: Still hafta' get used to this new forum stuff... *deep breath* O.K. Since I still play this game to this day, (MY old computer had like, 96 RAM and had trouble running even the simpleist of games so I'm behind a few years.) I figured I'd say what i thought of it. Feels weird commenting on such a old game... The graphics are a big improvment, for those of you who still play strattegy games such as starcraft (me). They added cinematics too it as well. The storyine is easy to follow, as well as having twists and turns. Gameplay is fun, but if you dont have the patch and your new to the game, the computers in single player custom games are quite difficult. The best part about this game, I believe, is the World Editor that comes with it. After beating the game, I looked into the internet play which is the best aspect because of the World Editor. The games are immensly diverse, while still being fun. (except for the n0085, of course. :) ) I look forward to getting the expansion for Christmas. out of 10 points: 8/10 -FB
  6. I think the graphics were a big factor for me. A: because the graphics in Generals took too high system requirements... B: because it stole the gameplay. I liked the cheap acting, cool videos from Red Alert and Red Alert 2. Tiberian Sun I thought was fun, along with its expansion, but I played red alert 1 & 2 the most. I still retain my favorite song from Red Alert 1 and can recite it in my head. *Walks away sing Hell March, the opening song to Red Alert.*
  7. My guy attempted Genocide on the Nords of Solstheim. (sp) Unfortunatly, his mental condition caused him to try it with a iron fork. You can guess where that went untill the Imperials found his hanging-by-a-string body in the middle of nowhere. After 6 months of rehab he recovered rapidly and his mental condition seemed to dissapear. It was only then they bit their tounges when he attempted Genocide on the Dunmer. Once again he was found hanging by his foot on a string over a red mountain lava pit. Thats when he went straight to prison.
  8. ooooohhhh... i've always wanted multiple slaves that didnt annoy me but slowing me down everywere i go. sounds good! now i just need the computer version of morrowind...not long now...
  9. Isaac, realizing that he has had too much to drink, pulls out an unknown potion and drinks it all in a few gulps. He looks much beter after the drink and replies, "I gave you a version of this when you were in therapy. Very strong stuff. But if you are intirested in a story i'll humor you another day. I am tired and wish to rest. I have a house in Pelagaid if you wish to reach me my friend." After stating this, Isaac promptly stood and proceeded tothe door.
  10. "Ah yes... If it isnt my favorite rehab subject." Isaac exclaims with immeadiate elation. Although Isaac looks happy to see his old friend, it is hard to dicipher what he is pondering because it looks like he has had one too many sujammas. "What brings you to the bar, Durie? Hick!"
  11. Name: Isaac Sex: Male Race: Altmer Birthsign: The apprentice age: 26 armour: glass, but you cant see it cause he wears a robe Weapon: Ebony staff Job: Magic Sorcerer Personality: Generally quiet, only talks when he has something to say. Maj. skills: Destruction, Alteration, Mystisism, Enchant, Alchemy Min. skills: light armour, blunt weapon, Conjuration, acrobatics, althletics Speciallization: magic fav. attributes: Intellegince, and Willpower Additional Information: Isaac goes to the bar to find intiresting storys. He records them in what looks like a journal. When questioned about it, he tells them that he plans on writing a book someday. Edit: Due to a request, i'm now going to provide more addition information about Isaac: Isaac originally lived in the Bosmer province of Valenwood. He lived in Valenwood as a student to a greater mage, studying the life styles and rituals of the Bosmer. Unfortunatly, war broke out between the Kajiits and The Bosmer of Valenwood and Isaac's former master was killed in a misfire. Isaac then proceeded to leave Valenwood, in hopes of finding a new location to continue his studies. (For more information on the war between the Kajiits and Bosmer, read the books "Mixed Unit Tactics" v 1 and 2.) Isaac eventually lost intirest in his studies, and decided to take up a more intiresting field of study. This led him to Cryodill, where he took up the study of the colleges of Destruction and Alteration, to be specific. Learning of the College of Conjuration and its priveledges, he took a ship from Cryodill to Vvardenfell, hopefully of leaving behind the regulations set in Cryodill refering to conjuration. He continues to study Alteration, Destruction, and Conjuration while also learning about Alchemy, Enchant, and Mysticism. Isaac has lived in Vvardenfell for one year now, traveling and practicing his skills. Appearence: Isaac is vertically gifted,(whoda thought?) with a careing but mysterious voice. He travels in robes, harboring glass amour underneath. He caries Zerator, his ebony staff with him whereever he goes, keeping its powers close at his side. Good enough for ya? :D
  12. the Cliff racers. I'm telling you those things are pure evil. No matter how strong you are in the game, they just keep coming and coming. theres no use in trying to stop them. just remember to watch your back when traveling. they'll scare the heck outa you if your not ready
  13. Fav character- Dark elf, Knight. It's a custom class even though the name is the same as a default one. Fav attributes were strength and endurance. If you ever want a warrior in the Morrowind it's probably a good idea to favor endurace as your health goes up by one tenth of your endurance.
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