Sorry for not speaking up earlier, even thou your clearly a troll, ill answer. I follow the ten commandments in game. I don't deal with any of the gods or Dedra in game, if i get sucker punched in i tell them to go screw themselves. I don't use anything that has connection to Skyrim gods. On Sundas I read my Bible with the commandments and rest. Honor father and mother don't really apply. I don't kill unless i am defending myself (its in the bible, read it sometime.) I don't have any fornication mods so adultery is out. I don't steal, lie or covet my neighbors belongings. Do these limit the game play... yes. But if you want to be true to your ideas then there is no reason that you can not choose your own playing style. Oh, and before you flip about the Thu'um i count it as a gift from god because he made me.... i may have gone too far but there you are.