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Posts posted by Sakurasou1

  1. i think it would be quite pleasant if you could have the forger make more than just 1 forgery at a time.... sorta like having him make more than just the 1 forgery of the same item a day or having him make forgeries of multiple items a day....

  2. It would be kind of nice to see a mod like this, except (as mentioned by lilmuppen) it would basically eliminate the online function so in my opinion if a mod comes out where the "support" pawns are able to be created and leveled with the chars, the mod shouldn't allow it to be online... not to mention it would take forever to sync to the servers after resting in an inn....

  3. It seems kind of odd to me that characters have their weapons just sorta hanging off their hip somehow with nothing actually there to hold the weapon there... Not to mention leaving the weapon out of a sheathe.... Wouldn't that damage the blade after a while? I think it would be neat to see the different type of sheathes for the different weapons. Anyone else agree?

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