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Weird and stragne issue I am having on main page
wolfstriker replied to wolfstriker's topic in Site Support
If anyone gets this issue its fixed by resetting firefox back to default layout. https://screenshots.firefox.com/gEGVy05i3t8Xvmej/www.nexusmods.com -
https://screenshots.firefox.com/PF7oCaHtrTXlfsab/www.nexusmods.com I pressed some type of weird button combo on my keyboard and the whole nexus mod page shrunk down to be unreadable.Any idea what I did and a cure for it?
I modded my own Stalker game yrs back.Wanting high realism and I scoured all real weapon charts and came up with a system that used effective range of rifles to get their accuracy.Was a month long process and when I was done I found that realistic weapons are a *censored* since weapons are actually very accurate.I then added in bullet drop and opened up a new game play.Sniper rifles were great with little drop off,assault rifles had decent drop off and min machine guns had a lot of drop off.No other mod did that instead had this huge spray of bullets from sniper down the scale.This way you were actually using skill by gauging bullet drop to the weapon you had equipped and worked well in Stalker. Then I modded in animals to drop food stuff and made it so you had to eat and then sleep 8 hrs to regain your health.This was a huge stumbling block that no modder could overcome.Reason was that a health regen stat in the ini files was actually not functional and when I found that out I could make for realistic feeding/healing rates by causing one to have to sleep with a full belly.I then made another mod where you actually needed to head back to the Stalker camps to see a doctor and then lay down in the beds to rest for 8 hrs.This was excellent and really opened up the realism since you now were creeping around trying to keep your health up to make it back to base.Some of the situations I got into trying to get back to the camp with 1/4 health and bloodsuckers surrounding the camp were thrilling. I had to make a change to the game to allow this change from medkits=instant health to actually surviving a few battles all beat up and needing to head back to camp.So I lowered damage a good amount so that 2 head shots and your dead or 6 bullets to body with high armor and your dead.You could take a few bullets at which point you needed to waste a medkit that now only stopped bleeding and had stimulants to offset your limping for 1 hour to be able to at least walk back to camp. This is great in Stalker but Skyrim is a different game in a fantasy world with magical potions that restore you to brand new.Not realistic feeling but theres a way to make it feel realistic or at least more realistic than it feels now.So to make a really fun yet realistic feeling game you would need to mod the damage amounts first and foremost so that blocking attacks,especially power attacks,a lot more of the damage gets blocked.When blocking a fight should last awhile and your skill in timing and blocking becomes important.Instead they made Skyrim so that you just spam attack and if you have better stats you win....sucks!!! Then make it so that when you get hit you start to bleed out and your health bar slowly starts to drop.Stalker was great becuase big caliber weapons could cause greater blood loss compared to smaller caliber but Skyrim is no where as detailed as the Stalker engine is.This is where your healing potions come in....they actually heal up wounds so no further health loss happens.Then you make food act to heal you but 1/4 speed of normal health regen we have now.You would need to play with the regen because at 0 which I have my game right now the potions that heal over time no longer work. This way after a fight you would eat a meal and walking to next objective the health will SLOWLY rise back to normal.I am talking about like this....right now heal potions can heal for 300 seconds will now say heals over 28800 secs or 8 hours in game time.Meaning you have to sleep with food in you for 8 hrs.
SILENCE! What sounds/voices would you like gone?
wolfstriker replied to generalmx's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Some bandits that sound exactly like they were stripped out of Fallout3. -
my wish - blocking is 98% successful + bashing takes no stamina
wolfstriker replied to topeira's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Yep,I agree that Skyrim would shine as an actionRPG type game.So many things to change though.;(.As you said,make the numbers balance out so that you stay in the sweet spot of combat and just feel slightly stronger or slightly weaker then most enemies(with more tactics at disposal like shouts you will be able to fight a greater number of humans than is normal in real life.Say a human goes down with one power attack from a two hander and 2 power attacks from a one hander when wearing no armor .This may seem drastic but you have armor and blocks/evade to save oneself.Armor should be slight damage reduction....say a person always has health of 120 and a good two hander has 40 points damage and deals 60 when power striking so two hits to kill with no armor....then armor can range from 10 to 30 points of protection so at 30AC you get hit for 30 points from a 2handed power attack and will go down in 4 hits(armor in real life is not that good and is more to absorb what part of an attack gets thru a block,meaning you will never survive a war axe to the head in real life) Then add in good blocking and you can take say 8 power attacks 2handed style before death,its fantasy afterall and the Dwarven or better armors just looks like they can absorb a lot of damage.That will make for super intense combat.Ever fight a few dudes in game and your attacking/blocking back and forth...makes the combat shine IMO.Last night I went from top difficulty down one notch and most goons gave a good realistic fight but the bosses(bandit chief etc) had me dropping down another notch in difficulty to feel right.Just having goons in studded armor at 10AC is enough to make the Boss at 30AC feel powerful after all.10AC makes for less than 3 power attack direct hit kills and that is enuff compared to 4 for the boss. Now to further this,make the 5 ranks heavy armor first perk work like this.The lowest AC armor in game is 10 but when worn by a character with no perk points in Juggernaut its 5.So with no points the armors gain in AC like this 5/10/15/20/25 and with 5 points the armor when worn gives 10/15/20/25/30.Of course get rid of the silly armor perks like 25% reduction in damage if you wear a complete armor set and others like the no slowdown when wearing heavy armor perk.As for speed of characters,all humans could have the same speed but each AC you go up you drop down in speed.This will make for some sweet fights wearing light armor and jinking all over the place.Just needs to be tweaked so that its hard to move out of the way of incoming blows but doable with effort. Magic needs to be nerfed a lot like making sttack spells that cause no magicka loss and act like archery from afar.You can duel wield same spell to power attack.Its all in just balancing the numbers. Alas,it will probably never see the light since it will probably be a lot of work to tweak.There is also magical weapons afterall. :D :wallbash: T -
my wish - blocking is 98% successful + bashing takes no stamina
wolfstriker replied to topeira's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Just found this on another site and its an explanation of whats happening to me.A removal of the RPG part of Skyrim would cure this but will it be fun?I would love to see,armor and weapons being same,fights where the enemie can two shot power attack kill me compared to a lesser enemy having to take 4 shots.This would remove the "BOSS" final battles that are mainstay in RPG's and done by simply upping the boss's hitpoints to ridiculous. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ The problem with levelling is that your enemies get tougher every level you go up, but your level doesn't decide your weapon damage, its your skill with that weapon that decides your weapon damage. For example say you're level 5 with 30 archery skill and 30 apothecary skill. You save up loads of ingredients and visit a town and brew hundreds of potions and level up your apothecary skill from 30 to 40. By levelling your apothecary you manage to go from level 5 to level 6. Now you face level 6 monsters, only your archery skill is still level 30 so your damage output is the same as level 5, but your enemies take more damage. So your enemies are now relatively harder than they were before, essentially by levelling non-combat skills you've actually become weaker vs enemies around you. Now that's an extreme example based on grinding 1 specific skill but underlying premise is correct. Consider the long term effects, almost everything you do in the game raises non-combat skills. Taking damage and blocking increases armour and blocking skills Trading/Convincing increases speech Crafting increases smithing skill Apothecary increases Alchemy Lockpicking increases lockpicking Stealing from people increases pickpocket Sneaking increases sneaking It means every time you pick a lock, or smith a weapon you're contributing to your own level which means you're contributing to the enemies level and you're giving your enemy an advantage over you. It's counter intuitive you assume that any skill such as archery is earned and that once you're level 75 in archery then you're bad ass at it and will remain so, but if you stop levelling archery and focus on other skills then your archery will get weaker and weaker over time (relative to your enemies). -
my wish - blocking is 98% successful + bashing takes no stamina
wolfstriker replied to topeira's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Sadly gameplay is different to different people.Its a crazy world where naked women in game is more important than gameplay and high ranked mods include better elf eyes LOL.It sucks since Skyrim is a master game and it oozes RPG'ness but falters in its execution.What I think is wrong is it tries to be epic or have your character be too epic where a game that is less epic is easier to balance.Also some design choices I can't seem to agree with. I am carrying enough weapons(magical)to supply a small group of fighters.They should of made any weapon magical if you arcane enchant it with soul gems.This way you do not have to carry around a frost axe,a fire axe,an axe that drains stamina etc you instead alter the soul gem. The variation that the creatures of the Skyrim world can take damage is staggering.It seems bears are not auto leveled and they are ridiculously hard at beginning and even at level 15.I like that but if they made the player character just get slightly better over time they could of made them much weaker to begin with.I like undead being twice as hard to kill as humans but some of them are easy and some are ridiculous.Make the bosses just have slightly more damage when attacking,don't just add a zillion hitpoints and call them boss.Or at least put them in best armor.A clearly visual studded leather fighters and the boss is wearing a full steel armor set would lend you a hand in knowing that this guy is tough.Instead you find a steel helmet in a closet in one dungeon and steel armor in a toilet in another. :pirate: I go to clear out a bandit camp and the first fight was so sweet.I take out two archers with a reasonable 4 ARCHERY shots each and then duel an enemy with a two hander against my two hander and we block and attack and it felt GREAT!! Then I find a back entrance but what waits inside is bandits on a different level.One on one and while I have dwarven armor compared to my enemies iron and while I have a magical frost weapon compared to his steel weapon he kills me in two to three hits while I have to power attack 5 to 6 times.I do not even have an idea why that is or how that is.:( Its like the game wants me to struggle and replay the part over and over again to prolong the game....a very real tactic game companies use.But Skyrim is huge and there is no reason for that in a game that could take months.Arrrgghhh sorry I just had to rant that out. -
my wish - blocking is 98% successful + bashing takes no stamina
wolfstriker replied to topeira's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Some more playing around and I come to find that the melee could be very satisfying in Skyrim.I met a warhammer wielding opponent who seemed auto leveled perfectly to me....or at least to my skills at the time.I saved and had around 25 addicting fights one after another with this NPC.I was using tactics like running towards enemy to trigger a power attack and then either weapon bashing to stun or timing it just right and retreating out of the way of the attack.This was one fun encounter and I was setting up combos and my mind was even thinking of things like ok my armor is pretty strong and he is about to power attack and I will do one also....knowing I had good protection to not die from the one power attack.Or block/stun/stun/fast attack/block/block/shield bash/retreat and do reverse power attack timing the enemies advance right into the impact point perfectly.Really satisfying except for the end kill animations that seem to trigger and nothing you do can stop it even if you should of blocked and survived.But all is not well in lala land and the exact next room I entered was a guy in studded armor skirt and shoulder pad armed with a bow who just would not die.Power attack after power attack and Lydia pecking away with arrows and immersion is just drained away.Another enemy who looked exactly like the perfect opponent from earlier was power attacking me with a war axe and just cutting right thru my blocks and seemed to trigger the end kill animations rapidly as if he had a perk to enable high multiplier damage. What I feel would be amazing is a stat based fighting system where enemies have similar abilities to you and no obscene skill levels that defy physics.Opens up a world of possibilities like having different races have different movement speeds so that say an elf in light armor relies more on dodging and skirting outside of the enemies attack range and a slower race like an Orc will rely on heavy armor to take the brunt of damage that goes thru his blocks. -
my wish - blocking is 98% successful + bashing takes no stamina
wolfstriker replied to topeira's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I see we might be alone here and I take it many people who play Bethesda games want more of an RPG stat based fighting system.There are people trying to mod arrows to be purely player skilled so maybe they will see what can become of melee after they finish tackling that issue.I guess for now we could start by just using console and upping the block skill,don't really know what the actual block number does but the perks are obvious. EDIT just tested and putting block to 500 does nothing so I think you need to raise the shield wall to 5th rank and do not know how to do that with console.Also I can seem to be faster than the power attack that is being setup but the combat end animation seems to have a triger and once its set the fights over....needs to be removed. power attack stuns(maximum stun)...great since the attacker also gets slowed from the weapon throwing off balance shield/weapon bash stuns(medium stun?) are great to interrupt incoming power attack power attack....should it limit the forward speeds so that you could also step back to avoid being hit? -
Auto-aim doesn't just affect arcing - how to disable it?
wolfstriker replied to Moogiefluff's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
This is where the RPG aspect ruins Skyrim for me.If you pump up archery to huge levels then of course it should arc and hit but I am more in the mood to use my own skills to get kills.If you guys can remove the auto aim its greatly appreciated. -
my wish - blocking is 98% successful + bashing takes no stamina
wolfstriker replied to topeira's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Completely with you here.I am playing the game right now with quick saves and sleeping taken out of game....meaning I just do not quick save nor sleep(sucks since sleeping in an inn gives a 10% bonus to leveling speed while outdoors gives 5%).I also removed the health regen and now rely on all the food,potions I find.I also visit hunters for food and stock up on potions from merchants and finally do some alchemy and cooking to round out my supplies.But now the game is annoying and I'll explain why below. Annoying since an enemy always runs straight at me and attacks me as I am attacking them.This causes every single enemy who attacks me to dwindle my health and in a world where there is no health regen and no saves it depletes my health rather fast and supplies run out fast also.Its actually making the combat boring for me and some way to up the skill that a player has to use would add a lot to this game. One annoyance is the auto scaling.I walk into a cave and see enemies that I just had great battles with in another part of game but this time they are super weak and I one shot kill them or they one shot kill me.Both suck and ruin the immersion IMO. Another is what you are striving for.I think that your idea of making blocking better is one huge area for improvement as would a slight speed increase on the attack animations.This "Could" make the game very twitch based and make for some exciting combat in the way archery vs archery or vs magic at distance is in game right now.It hits me that maybe what Bethesda needs to do for their upcoming games is to forgo the mixing of RPG with FPS style gameplay and focus more on FPS for the fun of it. The thing is now we need to know if the game could be modded so that there are interupts.A system where you stun then attack,or block and block until you see a power swing being readied and then with your faster weapon you attack....or stun then power attack etc etc.The great thing about this is that we would not need to work super hard at balance since its not a multiplayer game where the players will be bitching on every aspect but instead it can be tweaked for fun yet hard gameplay/combat. So I am with yaaaa brotha. :wink: -
Just played for 2 hours straight with no health regen and no saves except for auto saves when entering dungeons and sleeping.....its a whole new ballgame.After making and buying a good amount of healing potions I set off to find the Greybeards and stumbled upon a huge spider out in the woods on the way.What would have been another hassle in Skyrim's world was now a huge hurdle since I just trekked for 10 real minutes and this thing could easily take me out.I then ran circles around a rock screaming like a little girl for 3 minutes trying to stay away from the horrible creature(I have real life arachnophobia)while Lydia took pot shots at it from a cliff way up above.Survived and awhile later ran into a bandit on a huge tree crossing a valley over a water fall and hell bent on not letting me pass.Took a bit of damage but managed to kill him and staggered on till we stumbled upon one of those green shiny tree creatures wherein me and Lydia ran away as fast as possible to avoid having to start all the way back in Riverwood again.Then we found a man who said a necromancer was desecrating his family tomb and I agreed to help.After all the fighting I ran out of health potions and had to backtrack out of the tomb since after 8 attempts since I realized the necromancer was just too powerful. Its really fun this way and I feel this alone benefits Skyrim highly.But something seems to have gone wrong and all of a sudden all enemies are way too tough.Its as if the auto scaling jumped up the enemies too high for my character.I am running from fights now left and right and that ruins immersion for me and I had to stop the game.Where before I would one shot wolves and now they need three power attacks each. And when I said that shouts should not damage anything but dragons,I did not know shouts are used by other npc's and thought that was only dragonborne so your right about the lore thing. If we can come together and make a system where the game stays in the "sweet spot" then this game is best ever! ;)
Papstalin,just what I have been thinking.It needs to become realistic is a good way of looking at it.Take example you swinging a sword starting at its base damage of 10.This goes up to around 60 when you add in 5ranks of the damage multiplier a top notch Daedric weapon and 30 points of frost damage,not to mention smithing and how that ups the damage potential to crazy high levels.Instead a system that stops the damage potential you can give so that the Glass armor everywhere effect doesn't happen(personally I love the realistic armors).So you require say 6 swings of a short sword to take down an unarmored human and when you are at max skill level and best equipment it takes 2 swings or one lucky critical shot that DBLS damage and hence one shot one kill but rare to happen.Then you make armor just give small protection and voila a nice system that will go the whole game.Just throwing numbers out there and the system will have to be very well thought out. Now you would think that it will become boring since your not really growing in power but there is two things to remember.One is that you make the system based kinda like D&D where you get one extra point of damage as you level so its a very slow progress and you'll start to slowly feel a difference with a say 10 swing fight now 8 and now 5 etc etc.Also,the game auto scales and if you notice some battles are super sweet and hit the perfect combo.This is what you want and so your just keeping it real so that you do not need to have Dark Knights sitting around in taverns everywhere. I think that shouts should be kept super strong in line with you being a dragon slayer and all but have them not effective against anything else. Food that affects stamina.This could be made so that when you start to get hungry the stamina meter drops to half at full hunger.Makes visiting taverns before embarking or even hunting a necessity. Removal of health regen and make a system that you cannot quick save and have to reach certain points like a tavern,a bed roll of enemies you just killed or going thru any door etc.Kinda like Dark or Demon Souls but a little less harsh since the Skyrim is an easier game to play.Then make potions your health source and you will have to learn alchemy then.If you do away with being able to carry an whole assortemnt of armors and weapons you can then make alchemy actually easy to do and so your constantly scavenging for items since you'll need certain potions at certain times(resist frost,boost stamina,poisons etc) There is a mod out that allows you to visually wear a bow,two hander and two one handers at same time.This should be your carry capacity for weapons IMO. :) Maybe up the speeds of forest animals and so make the hunters you see worthwhile.Would become super hard if say an Elk is now twice its speed it is now and slightly larger danger zone so that it doesn't allow you to get too close.
Its a simple model of combat I know but it works,take for example D&D where strength increase makes you a fighter and agility an archer type.You can try to make a PC game into a realistic combat model but I doubt anyone would succeed.But if a simple change to the magicka/health/stamina part of leveling were to happen you could revert the game back to making tanks and high agility or even pure magic characters would suffice. Since its just me that likes the feel of speed difference of 75 for orcs and nords to 105 for the beast types I will just do that on my end for my character I am playing only.And I doubt the game allows to set stats for each race.So my new question is does anyone know how to set the "player.setav speedmult XX" in the skyrim.ini so that it works.I tried putting it under [player] and under [general] but neither stuck.
But its done wrong in skyrim as they just made all races the same speed and added in the stamina increase allowing you to run further effect.Its an rpg and in rpg's you have different speeds for different creatures and different strength and stamina etc.This is just one area of many where the devs decided that there should be no distinction for any of the races.Its same with female characters being the exact same as male....my mind dosn't compute this and it ruins the experience for me.Why not make a hard stat change for a human female that lowers her strength and increaes her agility making her slightly better at archery and less at melee etc.Basically every race is the same and will hence "feel" the same while playing since its really just a graphical difference at work in Skyrim.But again its an rpg and should for gameplay and replay reasons feel different when playing a different race. Try it your self.Use this in console and you'll be 25 points higher than all the other characters in game.But its too fast and really the AI needs to be slowed down to give roleplay stats back to skyrim. player.setav speedmult 125
Is it Possible? (Increased Followers Mod)
wolfstriker replied to Xathos's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I feel a more realistic gamestyle would warrant a need for more followers.You can go up to 60 points of damage output with a warhammer in game and if that was reduced to 20 max you can keep the gameplay realistic and then you need to get quite a few followers to take down dragons or giants,woolie mammoths etc.Its the fact that people wanna be walking around and be godlike that ruins RPG's imo.You then need the level scaling that causes the sudden upgrade of the whole world to what you fought as bosses before are now grunts and common soldiers. -
Should be possible considering the 30% increase in draw perk for archery.
I wanna make nords and orcs slowest with say Imperials/bretons in between and the beast races fastest.Just small changes that add a feel to playing a higher agility race compared to a less agile but stronger race.It adds more immersion when I change my own speed and is very good effect.Its like when the game slows down your movement speed upon drawing a weapon,not in your face but you feel a difference and it makes sense.Plus it adds a combat tactic to the agile archer classes that you can actually run away,turn and fire or find a good vantage point like a high ledge to attack from.Whats great is that most enemies just resort to archery themselves if you stray too far and the mechanics make up for it by allowing this in outdoor areas better but indoors its not really advantageous.
Hello,would like to know if you can change the "player.setav speedmult 100" for AI races.Trying to make a mod that gives slight advantages and disadvantages dependent on movement speed.So far my initial trials by fighting a dark elf and setting my speed 5 to 25 points higher makes for interesting game mechanics and just feels more real compared to the run away and hope that you have more stamina then opponent the game came out with.Feels more real with variety in enemy fights.
Looks excellent Manshooter and I wait with a lot of anticipation for this mod.Just don't spread it out to large or you will never finish.I wanna add some ideas to the mix. It feels really good the amount of time a soul gem takes to fizz out on a magic weapon and I feel this is a good amount of time for weapon degredation and its just slightly dull so the next visit to a towns grinding stone wheel suffices.Portable stones are kool but immersion lacks when its a click on stone icon and voila....done! At least with the stone you get the animation effect.....just look at how kool the transport system feels when you jump into the back of a carriage....now why they didnt add you jumping out I will never know. :( Here is what I am trying for right now in my modding attempt.I want to finally have a feel of fighting with a big burly Nord or a stealthy high agility Elf or Argonian etc.So I have been tweaking the "player.setav speedmult 100" in console and have found it gives just the effect I want.I put my big Nord at 75 and now he walks and looks like the terminator and when he jogs he looks like a big freaking mass of muscle.I put my Wood Elf at 105 and its a very different play feel where he looks like he runs thru the woods.Its very kool because as the animation slows down so does the dexterity/agility of the character,So my Nord at 75 is lumbering and while he can jump as high(so not ruining gameplay) his slow speed prevents him from jumping far distance(Don't know if this is game breaking yet as I have not stumbled upon an area where you need to jump over a distance to get ahead).Running thru the forests the Nord is slow and looks amazing when he pulls out his Great warhammer that itself is slow and lumbering.The Elf on the other hand runs thru the forest like a highly agile creature jumping from ledge to rock with ease and it feels great.Stumblin in that I can set my own speed in game BUT in order to add the realism I want I need to force the different races to differing speeds.Like nords slowest,imperial middle ground and beast types fastest.There is a console command to force speeds but I do not know if this is able to permanently change the game AI.Could you see if this is possible? Gameplay wise I am trying to see if having this setup this way is detrimental.I thought that while I can run easily away from every swing of a great hammer by just waiting for the animation to take place and running away would ruin gameplay but this is realistic for outdoors and an agile fighting a tank confrontation.Go into caves or dungeons etc and its a different story.Another kool thing I am finding is that all the guards in game carry both melee and archery and so when you get to far away they pull out their bows.That adds a great sense of realism to me since I would carry a bow and melee weapon also.The tank Nord is a different story with archers taking a few more shots before you get to them.I only have iron armor right now and maybe better armor will negate an arrows punch which would make this system work a lot better. Here are some tweaks I made to the skyrim.ini that you might like.Its a permanent FOV change that changes the game completely for me,meaning when I would forget to set it in console I did not get immersed into the world and when I added it back instant immersion.Then I changed the over the shoulder view to be centered and no change in zoom when weapon sheathed or not.Still havent found out how to tweak the sprinting look to be cohesive with my changes yet.Finally I added in the arrow drop from a mod that did just this.Just paste this into bottom if your skyrim.ini and its easily erased if you do not like.Make a backup first if your scared.;) [Combat] f1PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.0 f3PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.0 [Display] fDefaultWorldFOV=90.0 [Camera] fOverShoulderCombatAddY=0.0000 fOverShoulderCombatPosZ=20.0000 fOverShoulderCombatPosX=0.0000 fOverShoulderPosZ=25.0000 fOverShoulderPosX=0.0000