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Everything posted by Axanon

  1. I wish that was something I knew how to do :(
  2. There's almost no heavy armor bikini tops! I'm trying to make a skimpy esque heavy armor sets but can't find anything for what I'm looking for while fitting UNPB. Anybody have any ideas on things I have missed?! Any heavy armor really skimpy top would do to.
  3. I can't figure out whats the problem. I made a new character and admittedly I powerleveled it via console command last night and gave my new character all the same clothes and weapons I had on my other one. But I can't get my weapons to the same damage level. My blacksmithing is maxed out (and onehanded/archery), and I have my 40% x 4 damage bonus from items yet the swords aren't up to where they should be, and a one of my 2 bows is but the other isn't it. Whats the deal?
  4. Oh shizam I think it is, good work Wattson.
  5. Lol, thank you sir. It looks to be on a Sevenbase figure.
  6. I can't for the life of me find out what armor this is, anybody know? http://static1.nexusmods.com/110/mods/110/images/43899-4-1381464240.jpg
  7. UNP at max scale to me as the sexiest curves in terms of hips/thighs/waist, so I use that. And it looks better in most armor and has armor fit it correctly with the slider then cbbe and all its variations. Don't get me wrong cbbe is still very sexy, but one thing that bothers me is the thighs are thick, but does not scale right with the actual butt ( I do love think thighs). UNP's butt is quite a bit more bubbly when you compare its size to its legs.
  8. The past few days, I'll get stuck in the loading screen. I downloaded a few mods and it started happening. Took the mods off and now the load still sometimes won't finish. And any new mods of late give me alot of trouble. But it works fine if I load a very old save, then my current save. Anybody know whats the problem? Everything is through NMM since I'm very computer illiterate.
  9. Spectacular work, will be be seeing the armor he wears in Season 2 also? The gold armor? Watching him cut people in half while wearing that gold was awesome to watch.
  10. I've come to find my favorite body mod to be the UNPB, but there isnt one face mod that blends the neck seam at all. All the face mods are based for CBBE or UNP, and since UNPB uses different textures than UNP we got extremely bad seams (texture blender doesn't help). Soo us UNPB useres would kill to see some of the good facemods have a version for us! (coverwomen/envision/prettyface/etc)
  11. I see, thanks for the reply. But I also can't temper random magical items I find while questing to legendary, nor items like daedric artifacts like my mace of molag bal. Is that normal?
  12. Hello, I can't seem to upgrade magical items to legendary. Its especially aggravating because its also preventing me from upgrading some mod armor to legendary also such as the Tribunal Robes, Hunting Ground Outfit, and Alduins Scale Armor. Though I do have the perk in smithing..... not sure what I'm doing wrong unless you can't fine tune magical armor past flawless.
  13. There's some armor I can't seem to upgrade to legendary and I don't know why. Alduins Scale Armor stops at flawless, same with Hunting ground's Outfit and Tribunal robes. Though my Black Sacrament has been able to get legendary. It says I'm missing a perk but I have all the perks in smithing and enchanting (excluding soul siphon). Is there something I'm missing or are these just only ment to get up to flawless?
  14. Hello all, I was just browsing the mods and stumbled across this one. The Evil Lair of Hydra. Here in this pic (adult warning) does anybody know what armor mod was used for the character in the right with the nipple rings, and the players character in the middle? I am highly anxious to find the players armor since its really well done and love the high heels. Thanks for any help http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/12556-1-1335545519.jpg
  15. Wow, apparently its working. I assume it's suppose to be this easy with the mod manager?
  16. Hello all, I'm completely new to skyrim on the PC. And I'm trying to figure out how to run mods. I dowloaded CBBE and the Task manager, but other than that I don't have the slightest clue what I'm doing and I'm pretty computer illiterate. Any help is super appreciated
  17. All is well, there will be many big breasted sexy elf mods in the very near future.
  18. I'm trying to maximize my character in dual wielding combat. And without doing the fortify enchant with alchemy to fortify enchanting equation, would it be wise to only take alchemist in Alchemy? Or taking that to Benefactor and making a single potion for blacksmith fortifying be slightly better? Basically does benefactor add more to enchanting-blacksmithing fortification potions or only to hp/mana etc?
  19. Hi, I was wondering if anybody knew for sure if the shrine quest weapon rewards were tailored to your level as some of the unique weapons. It seems a few of the quests lack a prerequisite and if acquired at such a low level would be nearly as strong as an actual daedric weapon. Which seems to good to be true. Is that true or does the damage on the weapon scale with your level?
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