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About ChernobylSnake

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  1. My current character is Viro, a Dark Seducer from the Shivering Isles. He's an Agent born under the sign of the Thief. His story is as follows: After the portal to the Shivering Isles arrived off the shores of Bravil, and the defeat of the Gatekeeper, and after Sheogorath's death, a sudden influx of curious adventurers and hopefuls set off for the strange land. Of course, many of the Shivering Isles residents departed with Sheogorath's plain of Oblivion because of growing frustration with the new Cyrodiillic Madgod. Viro was fulfilling his duties at the time as a well-trained guard, and had been assigned to protect ambassadors and diplomats visiting the Shivering Isles. Constant political changed continued to spark new discrepancies with civilians, and fuelled old frustration. Eventually, a haphazard attempt at revolution brought on by a group of disheartened residents (aka Crazies) resulted in full Cyrodiillic intervention. Guards traversed into the Madness plains and clashed with both the locals and the practices of the Seducers and Saints. Viro witnessed atrocities on both sides of the developing civil war, and quickly became disgusted with his socio-economic position and the Empire's bald attempts at converting the Shivering Isles into a Oblivion-realm branch of government. Viro resigned from his post as diplomat guard; having made connections with officials in Bravil, he fled the Shivering Isles to settle in Cyrodiil, staying in Bravil, as he preferred the warm, humid climate similar to that of the Shivering Isles. After a few months, traffic between Bravil and the portal to the Shivering Isles was so intense that Bravil's population doubled with tourists and adventurers waiting to enter into the Plains of Madness. Viro was evicted from his shack and arrested, being charged with illegally entering the city of Bravil and not being properly documented as a citizen of Cyrodiil (he was never given any official documents as such a thing was unnecessary). He was shipped off, far south to Blackwood, ordered to complete a sentence of intensive manual labour. After completing his sentence, he returned to the Imperial City a "full citizen." Viro's new ~criminal~ record made finding a job nearly impossible (he was an alchemist's assistant in Bravil). With few options, he became a rogue agent, working mainly as a spy for the government that had caused him so much trouble; however, this is a small price to pay as it is all a part of a master plan to form a coup that would bring the Shivering Isles under localised rule and improved law and order. I think it's a decent story c:
  2. Yeah, it would be a pretty intense build. Luckily if someone were to try this they would really only have to focus on the NPCs. Sundercliff doesn't really need anything done to it. You can sleep in all the beds, use all the items, etc. I don't really mod (I did some building in Morrowind), but I'm assuming the whole faction part would be pretty difficult. I find myself only playing Dunmers haha, sometimes Argonians, and as of rn I'm playing a Dark Seducer who used to be a Dunmer. I'm thinking of switching back but Dark Seducers come with an awesome paralysis/shock/frost/fire spell.
  3. I was just curious if it would be possible to make the Drothmeri Army a guild, or an army that the player could join. Mehrunes Razor isn't exactly critical to the game, or at least it wasn't for me. I just had loads of fun sneaking around Sundercliff. Aesthetically, I thought Sundercliff was really awesome. It reminded me of an underground Bravil, but more like a refugee camp. The player could level up within the guild, starting as a messenger or recruit (as they have already), doing things like taking documents to higher-ups, transporting (smuggling) goods or acquiring goods (of the stolen variety perhaps?). The player would level up as in any faction, becoming a soldier, fighting foes, and eventually becoming the commander of their own unit. Also, the faction would be exclusively for Dark Elves. I think the end goal would be to overthrow Frathen Drothan and become the commander of the Army. Adventure and political intrigue! Awesome. Yes? No? Maybe? At least create some discussion :]
  4. ok. i am having the worst of troubles: so, i extract everything out of the zip file (this is the Cloas and Capes Mod by the way). I place all of the textures in my textures file and meshes in the mesh file. BUT the cloaks and capes are invisible, as if they didnt exist. the Mod Creator decidedto be cool and drop the project so he/she is ignoring everyones questions. actually, i think the creato ignored them from the get-go. anyway, the cloaks and capes just dont exist. i can buy them, fine, and the icons work, but when i put the articles of clothing on, nothing happens. not even the annoying yellow block appears. and with the cloaks, my ears and hair disappear. with the capes, that doesnt happen. and teh .esp file box i checke in the Data Files screen. so it is installed correctly. once again, my downloaded clothes are invisible. so any help would be much appreciated. thanks. i have a feeling questions wont be answered for a long while... EDIT: Posts merged. Please don't bump, it's against the rules. Thanks. ^^ - Switch
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