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  1. I've found two armor mods I rather like. Some armors from one, some from the other, and I'd like to combine them into my own 1 mod. (for personal use only of course) or even just not even make them a mod, and replace the vanilla armors entirely. Killer Keos Armor mod MAK07's Armor mod Say what you will about my taste, I don't really care :-) Anyhow. I'd like to use Killer Keo's as a base as most of the armor I like are in that one. but then I'd like to replace some of those with ones from MAK07's mod. but looking in the armor meshes and stuff I have no idea what armor is what.. I tried using the creation kit to look, but that didn't help. (either I wasn't looking in the right place or it isn't able to do what I want - likely the former) specifically the armors I'd like from MAK07's mod are -Guard armors -Dragonscale -Elven -Elven Guilded -Dwarven -Leather -Ancient Nord armor -Steel Plate -Steel And I'd like the rest from Killer Keo's. Unfortunately, I have no idea what I'm doing as far as .esp, .esm, Textures, and meshes go. So if anybody could either post a detailed list of what I need to do to get this working, or even Dl'd the 2 mods and mix and match after above list and send it to me as a zip, that would be great. I'm not afraid to try this myself if I could get some detailed instructions.. detailed as in: After installing Killer Keo's armor mod open MAK07's mod and copy the following files for the armor you want (and paste them over existing) -Folder "abc" for Guard Armor -Folder "Dragonsc" for Dragonscale Armor -Folder "Elven" for Elven Armor -Folder "Gelven" for Guilded Elven Armor -Folder "Dwarfs" for Dwarven Armor -Folder "abc" for Leather Armor -Folder "123" for Ancient Nord Armor -Folder "bla" for Steel Plate Armor -Folder "steel" for Steel Armor AKA, point me exactly to the folder for each armor. or group of files as I suspect the stuff I'm looking for is inside other armor folders.. Like full plate steel would be inside the steel armor folder Elven, Dragonscale, Dwarven, and regular steel is pretty self-explanatory as the folders are called exactly that. But where do I find Elven Guilded Armor? Full Steel Plate? Guard armor? Ancient Nord armor? etc.
  2. I've seen one single mod out there do something along the lines I'm looking for.. but still not.. It increases spawns, but at the same time, also makes loot a lot easier to come by.. more level appropriate loot.. I'm the type of person that loves to hack and slash my way through a plethora of enemies instead of hacking away at a single very powerful one.. I'd like to see a mod that adds a ton of spawns, like 2x or 3x default.. minimum. This will likely get very messy very quickly consiering the amount of bodies that will be produced.. I don't know if you can force skyrim to clean up a cell once you left it, but you can, that would be awesome.. Alas.. I've read from other modders that skyrim uses some wierd stuff for spawns so it's not easy to mod.. Anybody know of a mod like this?
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