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Posts posted by eggsNuts500

  1. Hi tomomi1922, let us both agree to disagree and carry on with our lives :) And hopefully the SE ENB improves so that we can have an amazing set of options to adjust the visuals to our tastes combined with the greater stability SE offers.


  2. I don't want to sound like I have to win this argument. But I feel you completely missed my point. "Good ENB" and "good graphics" are not exclusive to Skyrim LE. The person behind ENB, not sure how he is sustaining it, has been working tirelessly on ENB all these years. He just released a new binaries recently. So if he could do it for the older Skyrim LE, you think he can't do it for Skyrim SE? In fact, the newest binaries, along with my PRT ENB, really make SSS works (beside just some orange glowing hot-rod). It's not perfect, but it's way better. Sun rays, windows light, interrior lights ... there are so many things can be adjustable independently.


    So if you loved the ENB for Skyrim LE, Skyrim SE is not behind. More advanced, if anything. This is why I said the argument is weak, because you have ENB no matter where you go (Skyrim wise). I do work with Da Vinci Resolve as part of my work, and I can tell you the current ENB setup allows me a lot of freedom like a real color correction software. It's not easy to compare, one is a video color grader, the other is a game. But I feel I have almost the same power with ENB now as it is with Da Vinci. Just 1 year ago, I was crying of frustration with FO4 because the controls were so primitive I could not get what I want: get the day to look right would mess up the night; get the shadow to look right would mess up the face. Now I am really happy with Skyrim SSE and ENB.

    This is silly as it was you that responded to my post, I then illustrated my points further by using examples of how the Legendary ENB can be used and gave examples of presets that have a unique 'atmospheric' feel.


    So if you loved the ENB for Skyrim LE, Skyrim SE is not behind. More advanced, if anything

    How is the SE ENB more advanced?


    When at present there are no detailed shadows, no skylightng (NAT skylighting doesn't count), no sun rays, no point lighting and reflections. Even Boris himself has been quoted that he cannot bring all the features across.

    Whether you have advanced colouring features as per Da Vinci is not my concern, as I further explained that's not what I use ENB for. Otherwise I'd have settled on CFL ENB.


    For you to then come along by saying

    I don't want to sound like I have to win this argument.

    Why did you respond? Especially when you haven't grasped the original point.


    Legendary still has the superior ENB and if tweaked can make the atmosphere and feel of the game really immersive as a feature in itself.

  3. Oh yeah totally get the stability angle, I keep going between the two and it's the ENB that keeps me on Legendary.


    I like atmosphere and the ENB allows me to be creative. Its those little extra settings like particle lights and point lighting that enable you to tweak the mood. Anyway, we'll see what magic Boris can weave in the future.


    I've just started using 3d trees and its amazing :) The multiple NPC's thing could be great too, we might see more town mods popping up to flesh out the world and bring new stories.

  4. I think the ENB argument is weak..

    I think it's a very valid argument.

    The atmosphere and feel that can be created with the Legendary ENB is well demonstrated I can give you 2 quick examples based on screenshots and presets on the Nexus:

    1. Sun Rays - these can be tweaked so that as you walk through the forest light shafts dance through the trees, it gives a magical feel to the game.

    2. Window Lights and Interior Lighting - by reducing the ambient light and increasing the direct light in conjuction with the window light, the gothic catherdral look can be created here. Light streaming in through the windows but the corners of the room are dark, gives a real eerie feeling.


    The SE ENB is catching up but in terms of creativity and atmosphere it cannot match the Legendary ENB, sure NAT has a lot of great features but it cannot bridge that gap. I mean look at the unique presets such as Antique Dragon ENB, CubBorn ENB and even Tetrachromatic. K ENB has an SE version and Kyokushinoyama knows his stuff but the last update was back in December 2016, it's not like he needs that time to re-learn.


    At this point in time the Legendary ENB is a valid reason for people to stick with that game as it allows them to tweak the visual feel of the game.

  5. A few more questions if anybody can help:


    1. how can you check if an item is in the players inventory and have conversation trigger based on the item being present? I've created an alias to an item and set the conditional to point to the alias but the dialogue is not starting up?


    2. fixed


    3, I'm having a few problems getting scene dialogue to trigger between npc's, the aliases are all setup and the phases are correct. can someone give me a few quick pointers.



  6. Hi, BigAndFlabby.


    Your suggestion worked, the quest fired up fine and also with the 'currentfollowerfaction' conditional too!

    Except the start dialogue on the follower is not working but the quest itself fires up fine as the journal updates.


    I figured the start dialogue isnt working prob because I never updated my 'Seq' file.


    Happy days :laugh:

  7. Hi, BigAndFlabby. Thanks for replying.


    Yes, I had aliases setup within each quest. I didn't start them manually as I'd prefer not to have to resort to that method if I was to release the Follower on the Nexus.


    I'll continue to play around further, maybe you can help me with something else?


    I want to have a journal entry trigger when I enter a cell eg 'player walks into the bannered mare and a journal entry is triggered along with a stage completion'.

    I've tried the 'GetInCell' and 'GetEditorLoc' and placed them as conditionals within the quest stages but nothing triggers. What am I doing wrong?

  8. Hi


    I'm building a follower with custom dialogue. I have created 3 quests:

    1. main quest - with dialogue which works fine

    2. general idle dialogue - is not starting up

    3. area specific idle dialogue - is not starting up


    Problem is I cant get either idle dialogue quests (2 and 3) to start up, I selected and setup the following settings for each idle dialogue:

    a. start game enabled

    b. created the idle dialogueunder the 'misc' tab

    c. even setup a journal entry that tells me the quest has begun

    d. the seq file has been created and included

    e. have even tried idle dialogue within the scenes tab (followed the example from the sofia mod)


    Ideally I want to create multiple dialogue quests for modularity and ease of management. Rather than create one big quest with everything.



  9. Can somebody shine soime light on this problem for me.


    I'm using Skytweak to adjust combat to my tastes in combination with Wildcat for its AI package but the weird thing is I keep ctd'ing in Embershard Mine against the Bandit by the forge. I narrowed my load order down and found Skytweak to be the issue.

    I've reset Skytweak back to vanilla settings and it works fine but as soon as I adjust the combat settings I get this issue.

    The only script I activate is the bleedout and I have not had any problems when the script is in effect.


    Is there an engine problem going on?



  10. UPDATE: Looks like I've resolved the problem :laugh:



    Hi Guys


    I've installed the the new Bikini mod by Nisetanaka but the nipples are showing below the bikini.

    I'm using the SevenBase Natural mesh with SG Renewal UNP textures. I cant figure out what I can do to resolve the problem, can somebody kindly point me in the right direction?



  11. I'm getting a low fps and have traced the root to Immersive Citizens, where my fps tanks briefly outside Whiterun stables and at various points from 60fps to about 32fps. In my inintial game I'd enabled Realistic Dialogue Overhaul and Populated Towns and Cities also. My fps would then randomly drop to 29.9 and rise again. I've also noticed the FPS counter is always changing as if cycling between 59fps and 60fps.


    I've tried running an ENB, with Verdant, SFO full, Whiterun Forest, SSE Texture Pack and Fantasy Forest Overhaul - with these enabled I get a consistent 58-60fps.

    My CPU is an i5 490k and GPU an MSI gtx 1070 X.


    Do you think its Papyrus causing the low fps? Is there a way to allocate more resources to the scripting engine?

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