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Status Replies posted by bben46

  1. You have a very long and complex "About Me" You owned your own business 3 times, would that be 3 different businesses or the same one that you lost and regained 3 different times? :/ Semi Retired? as in you only work on the good days? :/ No disrespect was meant in this comment, just my honest opinion on your interesting about me, or at least what I could fit in this without it exploding.
    1. bben46


      3 different businesses

      1. A VCR & Computer repair shop. In my area at the time not much call for real computer repair. Mostly C-64 & Tandy computers - closed when it became cheaper to buy a new VCR than fix a broken one.


      2. Part time computer repair after closing the VCR shop - this was on and off for over 30 years and I still do a little.


      3. Security company - install home & business security systems - and a bit of high end security video stuff for the...

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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