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  1. Thanks for the response! I will absolutely check out their channel. It's good to know that it is easier to turn legacy mods into SE mods than vice versa. I am mostly, however, looking for updates on the workflow for getting 3d models and textures into the game; many of the tutorials I found use old versions of many programs and I am uncertain if there are newer workflows or plugins that have been created since then.
  2. Hello! A long time ago I used to dabble in making mods for skyrim - I made a couple weapons, but I quit after I got into college. Recently I have started thinking about getting back into it, and I was wondering what, if anything, has changed about the modding process since then? Most of the tutorials I found are pretty old, which is understandable. Are any of them outdated, are there new workflows, has the release of the special edition changed things? Does anyone have any tips? Thanks in advance!
  3. Ah, thanks a ton, that worked! I guess I really did miss something obvious.
  4. I don't really want to make an annoying "bump" post, but I really can't think of anything to add that wouldn't just basically amount to that. x.x; Help please? I really don't want to continue making more and more stuff and just keep having the same issue.
  5. Um, hello. I've been working on a couple meshes and stuff for a while with the goal of stuffing them in Skyrim, and the first of them was uploaded a while ago. (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=7785). It's... done...-ish, except I have one rather annoying issue: I can't get the normal maps to work. Or, at least, I assume it's the normal maps. The dagger seems to have no lighting data or something; it looks exactly the same in shadow as it does in light, which makes it look rather dark during the day and as if it glows in the night. Some of the detail I stuffed in the normal map also doesn't show up at all. I've been trying to fix this for over a week and I'm running out of ideas for what it could be. I've tried pretty much anything for making the normal map; I've both made ones by hand and by baking it in a 3d program. I've also tried if there was a problem with the NIF data, but it's exactly the same as the glass dagger which I based it on. The normal maps themselves don't look any different from vanilla normal maps when I open them in photoshop. I'm hoping there's something obvious I've missed or something that everyone knows that I missed while teaching myself how to do this? http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r28/Aitze/problem.png (Also, if you are willing to, you might also be able to help me with my other problem)
  6. Sadly I still haven't found an answer to this. D: I have tried everything I could think of and have no clue what causes it. Anyone?
  7. Hmmm, so I've managed to make the bsdismember thing and everything using the So Much Morpher tool which was linked in a video tutorial over here somewhere. Now, however, the game crashes when I try to equip it. I think I remember reading something about that issue before, but I can't remember how to fix it. Would anyone else know?
  8. Ack, yes, didn't think to check that. Sorry and thank you.
  9. Er, I haven't at all, because I can't actually find one for this specific version of 3ds max. :| It doesn't seem to exist.
  10. Hey! I'm getting an error when trying to assign modifiers. Specifically, it seems to assign Skin, Edit Poly and Skin Wrap correctly, but then I get a popup message saying Type error: Call needs function or class, got: undefined. I am using the 2012 student edition, could that be the problem, or is it something with my mesh? EDIT: I just noticed the dismember thing doesn't even appear in the drop down menu of modifiers.
  11. Try first deleting local content, then looking for the Skyrim directory in your steam folders, and deleting that, too?
  12. I was afraid it was that... I have fiddled with that a bit but I can't figure out how to do it, though. I haven't been able to attach the dismemberdata, when I copy it over it breaks the mesh, and I usually can't even copy it over. Sadly I only know a bit of Maya. I did download Blender but am entirely unfamiliar with it, and Maya has no nif plugin; not that it would help much if it did, because I have no idea how to do any of that in maya anyway. I did find a few tuorials but they didn't seem to be very useful in this instance. I'll try stuff again when I get back from my christmas holidays I guess. x.x; Argh. Why can't this just be nice and simple like painting stuff in photoshop *irritated illustrator*
  13. As much as I like the idea of a storyline about the great collapse, it was a sufficiently large mystery that I think there's a very good chance one of the DLC will be about it and it would be really sad if that happened and this mod was almost done. D: That said I do think this will be a very interesting project and as a magic enthusiast I will definitely be following it!
  14. Ah, yes, thank you. ^^ I was not sure that was allowed. You're welcome to fiddle with it. I'd appreciate it a lot if you could help, so. http://www.mediafire.com/?5ah8fwo42u8wh7h
  15. Sure, that would be helpful! Um, I am unsure if I am allowed to attach the file here? ...Apparently not, I thought so. I will find some way to upload and send it to you, one moment.
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