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About Hardmethod

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  1. Topic can be closed. I found the solution on my own. 9 hours and nobody even wrote a single word.
  2. Hi guys. I'm modding skyrim first time. I beat Oblivion myself and didn't requested for any help. But now i'm totally confused. So i installed Embers XD, LUX, LUX VIA, LUX ORBIS, i have a lot of explanation marks (Using MO2) I wanted to pack it all with dyndolod, but first of all i wanted to try it out before i will build landscapes. So, i just want to know if these mods are even compatible or not, because i have no idea with this ENB and lightning stuff. I also installed ELFX and rudy enb with obsidian weathers. but it seems some conflicts with Embers XD, LUX, LUX VIA, LUX ORBIS - but i'm not sure. Firs of all i thought that i reached the maximum of 250 or something esp-s, then i reduced it (disabled red explanation marks check boxes) yet still the issue is there. I can run the only if i will disable embers ors all of the lux stuffs and maybe elfx. Please help me. I have a good pc and i always wanted to run skyrim and enjoy with all beauties. My skyrim is gog 1.6.659. Maybe it's a load order issue or what, i have no idea, i've read under some mods something about boss - i never used it with oblivion, so i have no idea, maybe i need to install it. but untill now all worked fine. now i cannot launch my game, have a crash before main menu, loading from skse 64. I have in total 7 screen shots of my MO2, but it seems i can upload only 1-2, even when compressed. Maybe in comments i can do more. I will upload first screen shot #3. There is the conflicting mods i mentioned. If someone using telegram or discord or any messanger and can help me there or here - i will appricate. UPD: I messed up with this things so hard that my game now doesn't run at all. Even when i disabled all the red icons es-s and mods. UPD2: Fixed - for some reason, the unofficial patch and unofficial creation patches don't want to work with my game. Problem still there. I don't have any red marks anymore, but seems that i overlapped the esps amount. i have currently 323 esps enabled with all this lux stuff. Any help ? or else i cannot try it out even. I heard about some stuff that can exceed the limit. Was easier in Oblivion.
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