Dogmeat's ref ID is 0001d162. Try that. I scanned through the pages and it seems like there's some lack of clarification regarding the showlooksmenu command. If you want to edit the player character, input the following command - slm 14 1. You can also fully edit the appearance of most human NPCs by inputting the slm command followed by their ID. Just open the console and click on the desired NPC to get their ID. For example, let's say you want to edit Piper. Her ref ID is 00002f1f, so you would input the following -- slm 2f1f 1. Also, can anyone confirm whether or not the spf command works? In Skyrim, this command would export your character as an .npc file. It's listed as a function for FO4 and I didn't get any error message when I input the command, but it doesn't seem to actually do anything. Thank you very much :smile: Can anyone confirm that the console comand "player. placeatme" works? I tried to use it to get Dogmeat back, but no luck. IIRC some commands use the 'ref ID" and some use the 'Base ID" I think that 'placeatme' is one of those ... Try swapping the Base ID / Ref ID and see if that works? Ok, sorry for the stupid question, but how do i find Dogmeat`s base ID? I have tried to use "help Dogmeat 0" in the console but all i got was dialogs and animations stuff as far as i could tell.