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  1. Yeah that's what I thought but my one handed weapon appears to be doing more than my dagger. It's both confusing and disappointing.
  2. At first I thought they were better than other weapons for backstabbing, I was wrong. Then I thought that they were needed for the dark brotherhood gloves or the final sneak attack perk, I was wrong. So what exactly are daggers good for? Oh well I guess it was what I feared, just another glitch...
  3. Yeah I figured as much, but now I have a new problem. I downloaded a fur armor mod but used the meshes for the robes instead and it works fine for novice robes, but on apprentice and adept robes it's all weird. The model is the same, you can see that it is the fur armor but the textures are like the vanilla apprentice/adept robes. What am I doing wrong?
  4. Like novice would be the lowest fur armor (the one with only kilt), apprentice would be the one with kilt/pelt and adept would be the one with kilt/pelt/clothes. I have two problems with this: 1. I don't know how to find the different fur armor meshes 2. I don't know how to assign different armor to different robes since they all appear to be in mageapprentice??? Can anyone help me out?
  5. I always found difficulty in this game to be a bit of a problem. Like on my mage (on master) you deplete your magicka trying to kill this npc, and you only reduce his health by like 10% and then you gotta run around for ages waiting for your magicka to go up (Since even with the restoration perk, archmage robes and morokei+recharge rings magicka still regens very slow for some reason) then you attack again, another 10% gone and so on. It's just not fun. But when you play on a lower difficulty it gets too easy.
  6. Yeah but he always charges in as soon as my eye opens just a tiny bit so it doesn't seem to be worth it.
  7. I love how people never see the hypocrisy in what they're saying :laugh:
  8. Tryin to avoid spoilers here, although I do wonder if it matters anymore. Anyway, I see a lot of people saying that the talkative homicidal maniac is one of the best followers but I don't really see it. Is a follower with Sneak skill actually useful? Any other ways he can be used?
  9. Yeah I have the same problem on my nord. I got these, though: -Better female faces by bella (no makeup version) -Xenius no more blocky faces -High Quality Eyes -Covereyes (Only for brown, blue and green) -AOF Believable Hair
  10. I've seen so many pieces of armor that has been altered to match the bodyform of cbbe, yet no thieves guild armor. Except for that one where you can pretty much see everything, but that defeats the purpose of even calling it armor... Not really requesting it to be revealing or skimpy (Wouldn't mind if it was, although preferably not exaggerated), but it just bothers me that the character has such a curvy form and when I put on the thieves guild armor it just reverts it back to the vanilla version. If you do decide to do this, could you make it for the different versions? Like the one you get when you join AND the guild master version? I suppose I could just rename the meshes if you want to make it for only one of them but I'm not sure what the names of them are. Edit 1: Just to clarify I mean the normal version of cbbe, not the slim one etc.
  11. First of all, I really have no idea what passes as a spoiler anymore after reading some of the topics on this forum, but just for the sake of it: *SPOILER* Now, I've found out that nightingale scales with level, and I really don't want to wait until I hit 32 to continue the questline (Since getting a nightingale with a lesser enchantment just wouldn't feel the same) is there any way to work around this?
  12. As far as I know, anything is possible with the creation kit... So to speak.
  13. With all of the armor mods going around I've gotten used to seeing less fully covered armor, and it kinda bugs me that there still isn't any revealing thieves guild armor out there yet. Yes I know that there is one for cbbe (And the male one, but no thank you), but that one is a bit too exaggerrated... I mean there is a difference between revealing and practically nothing. I just mean one that shows a little bit more skin, like the linwe armor (but not the linwe armor).
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