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About ElricVonRabenfels

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  1. :yes: Wait.... How long has it been a WIP now? I've seen that over half a year ago. :wallbash: Thanks for finding anyway + Kudos. Edit: Hah! Don't mind my babbling! I found it (With your help, of course, since I would have never guessed the name knightly armory), and it's released! Thank you very very much.
  2. Hello. I saw a mod video on youtube a few months ago. There was a big battle going on, with troops using proper medieval equipment: Good steel cuirasses, not like Oblivions fancy fantasy armor. Real medieval helmets, weapons and armor. I'd be very happy if someone could find that mod for me. I tried 'medieval' in the search function, but didn't find anything. Maybe you know where to get that mod.
  3. *Bump* We need a heavy ordinance sniper rifle. Even if it -is- cliche.
  4. I already knew all that, but thanks for the guide anyway, always helps if you forget something :thanks:
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