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  1. http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/381676_324984954196977_307245845970888_1205842_739742055_n.jpg
  2. I'm not sure what your problem here is. I'm playing on Master with a pure mage (no other skills besides magic based skills) and I'm finding my life to be quite easy. It's all about how you build your character, and to me it seems like you are all over the board, trying a jack of all trades, master of none type of character, which is hard to do. I recommend you train in one archetype and then maybe do a little in parts of another (say for instance you can run a heavy blades type character with minors in restoration) It makes the game much more easy when you are a master at a specific skill set, instead of being a novice in all of them.
  3. Basically this mod is a new cell that he made. It's got a few things in it, mainly his advertisements for his upcoming mods in a billboard type format. You climb this mountain of his and look down from the cliff and he has spelled out in the grass what he did. The mods doesn't do anything to your computer, I've run it in sandbox (because I can be a bit paranoid at times) I also took screenshots.
  4. Yeah, this mod is a legit installation of new land into Skyrim. As per the request in the readme file, I won't be telling how he did it, though there has already been a lot of speculation on the tool he used, and people seem to have already figured it out. Have some screenshots of 'Sleckland' I just realized I've been hitting 'reply' and not edit f***, sorry
  5. Durp, there is a readme. I'll try this again. And I'll post screenshots because reasons.
  6. Yeahhh, I have no idea what I'm looking for even. Provide some kind of location, or at least a marker on the map, and then we'll talk.
  7. I'm running through this mod now, looking for whatever he is speaking of. He mentioned the tundra's so I'm flying around there looking for Santa, who is apparently 'DOWN'. Also the sandbox says nothing is going in or out from Skyrim, and no files or folders are being sniffed or altered in any way by Skyrim. So the file is clean, though it seems to take a long time to load up.
  8. Actually pestilence, I just had a romp through the files. I'll try it out in a sandbox to be safe, even though I've never heard of .esp viruses.
  9. So let me get this straight, in order for us to figure out what the f*** you are talking about, which by the way you have left very vague, we have to download your mod, play through whatever is in it, and then there will be some form of answer at the end? And to top it off there are no screenshots to prove anything, and I've never heard of you before in my life. It doesn't help that you have only ever posted one thing and that you joined today, about 2 hours ago. Seems legit.
  10. I'm just going to... I dunno... Set this on repeat for the next year or so
  11. I found out who the chest is for. It's a merchant chest for the Khajit trader Ahkari who's caravan rests outside of Dawnstar. I sold her some of my junk, such as imperial armor and a shield of Blocking, and then when I went into that chest I got everything back. She had a lot of things on her including about 600 gold, and after I emptied the chest all she had was what was in her inventory and some things from the barrels and sacks behind her. So yeah, this is a merchant chest hidden in plain sight. The only reason we are able to get to it is due to some clipping error unforseen by the game makers.
  12. >New character 'Derpy Knee-Shooter' >Work on archery till highest level >Get best s*** ever >f*** the main quest >Shoot everyone in the game with arrows in the knees Screenshots shall be taken This shalt be glorious
  13. I used to question the internet, then I took an arrow to the knee.
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