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Everything posted by snowpanzer

  1. I was having this exact issue earlier but for some reason i was able to play for a solid 1 - 1 1/2 hours before freezing on ultra (recommended) instead of on medium which is what i prefer to play on..
  2. Well turns out i disabled enough things i was able to play for about 20 min this time, but when i entered windhelm the memory just started to shoot up and i dont think i have any windhelm mods enabled or installed -informative bump-
  3. The dragon soul problem sounds like a modconflict with 99% certainty. It Has to be a mod acting up, wether its falskaar or not i dont know, i have had no problem with falskaar myself for the record so i have no experience with problems regarding that mod. I also use Ishs Souls to Perks by ishmaeltheforsaken and Oscar Wilde So i hope that is not the mod causing the dragon soul issue I am going to bed now i wont reply anymore, maybe tomorrow but not tonight (in Sweden) well the dragon soul issue was happening before i even had falskarr installed the only falskaar issues i had was during the last quest where i would get stuck infrot of the gate until i enabled player controls
  4. yeah i tend to stay away from the huge retexture packs but it feels like ever since i finished falskaar it's been acting up and i may have to do a fresh install again because i still cant absorb dragon souls as well
  5. So i started to notice that skyrim would freeze no matter where i was when ever it got over 1,070,000k in the task manager under "memory (private working set) and here is my load order for what ever help it will do and my computer specs: NVIDIA Quadro 4000M i also have deleted about 1.58 gigs of saves recently BOSS Log _________________ These plugins are recognised by BOSS and have been sorted according to its masterlist. Please read any attached messages and act on any that require action. Skyrim.esm Active Update.esm Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}} Dawnguard.esm Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}} HearthFires.esm Active Dragonborn.esm Active ClimatesOfTamriel.esm Active DynamicLoot.esm Active Ket_ARMONIZER_v2.esm Active SPIKE.esm Active TERAArmors.esm Active HighResTexturePack01.esp HighResTexturePack02.esp HighResTexturePack03.esp Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev, Stats}} Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev, Stats}} Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp Active Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Stats}} Chesko_Frostfall.esp Active BardSoundsMalukah.esp Active Clanking Armor.esp Active Improved Combat Sounds v2.2.esp Active darker_caves_dungeons_ruins_nights.esp Active mintylightningmod.esp Active Symphonies Of Skyrim.esp Active StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp Active StaticMeshImprovementMod-DragonbornTernFix.esp Active StaticMeshImprovementMod-FurnitureChestSnowFix.esp Active Chesko_WearableLantern.esp Active GuardedBorders.esp Active High Level Enemies.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}} High Level Enemies - Falskaar.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}} High Level Enemies - Dawnguard.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}} High Level Enemies - Dragonborn.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}} Immersive Battles.esp Active Immersive Brigands.esp Active Immersive Dawnguard.esp Active Immersive Dragonborn.esp Active Immersive Factions.esp Active Immersive Mercenaries.esp Active Immersive Patrols.esp Active Immersive Travelers.esp Active Immersive Werewolves.esp Active Ish's Souls to Perks.esp Active Lanterns on the Roads (50% less lanterns).esp Active real glaciers v2.esp Active real mountains.esp Active ShootingStars.esp Active Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}} Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}} vibrantauroras.esp Active Auto Unequip Ammo.esp Active WetandCold.esp Active WetandCold - Ashes.esp Active SkyUI.esp Active Cloaks.esp Active 1nivWICCloaks.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}} 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp Active Contractor Armor.esp Active CrainteVomir.esp Active Dread Knight Weapon Set.esp Active DynamicLoot_DB.esp Active DynamicLoot_DG.esp Active hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}} Immersive Weapons.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}} Insanity's Dragonbane.esp Active isilNarsil.esp Active Lore Weapon Expansion.esp Active LostLongSwords.esp Active Medusa and Drakul Armors.esp Active samuraiarmor.esp Active TERAArmors.esp Active Requires: DIMONIZED UNP female body Unique Uniques.esp Active Dr_Bandolier.esp Active DragonsDiversified.esp Active alastherium.esp Active Bards&Merchants.esp Active Castle Stonespire1_5.esp Active CornerofTheSkyrim.esp Active Gifts Of The Outsider.esp Active morninghood manor.esp Active Sutvaka2 - HL.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev}} Vjarkell Castle.esp Warning: This file contains 1 deleted NavMesh record(s) that TES5Edit cannot repair automatically and it may cause problems with your game. NavMesh deletions should be reported to the mod author. A guide to repairing NavMesh deletions with TES5Edit is located here. Masters of Death.esp Active FasterArrows75.esp Active FasterArrows.esp Active FasterArrows50.esp Active FasterArrows100.esp Active Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp Active Note: Do not clean. "Dirty" edits are intentional and required for the mod to function. Ket_ARMONIZER_LListsNPC.esp Active Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev}} Killable Children - Quest Protected.esp Active RealisticHumanoidMovementSpeed.esp Active SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp Active dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp Active dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp Active Stickier_Arrows V2.esp Active ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Cities - Falkreath.esp Active WhiterunAlivePiano.esp Populated Cities 2.esp Active Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons.esp Active Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dawnguard Interiors.esp Active Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Exteriors.esp Active Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.esp Active Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities and Town Interiors.esp Active ClimatesOfTamriel-Nights-Level-5.esp Active Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp Active MasterTheTimeAndSpaceTOGGLE.esp Active unrelenting grip.esp Active ForgottenMagic.esp Active Artifact Disenchanting.esp Active Artifact Disenchanting - Dawnguard.esp Active Artifact Disenchanting - Dragonborn.esp Active Enchanting Freedom.esp Active FormsEdit.esp Active Realistic crime report radius.esp Active Duel - Combat Realism.esp Active ACE Realistic Fighting.esp Active Locational Damage.esp Active The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp Active ACE BYOG.esp Active ACE Speech.esp Active ACE Archery.esp Active ACE Armor.esp Active ACE Enchanting.esp Active ACE Magic.esp Active ACE Melee.esp Active ACE Smithing.esp Active ACE Synergy.esp Active HothFollower.esp Active HothFollower UFO Patch.esp Active AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp Active BecomeKingofSkyrim.esp Active Immersive Interiors.esp Active Animated Enchantments.esp Active Purewaters.esp Active PurewatersDG.esp Active PurewatersDB.esp Active FollowerCompatibility.esp Active The following plugins were not found in the masterlist, and must be positioned manually, using your favourite mod manager or by using BOSS's user rules functionality. You can submit unrecognised plugins for addition to the masterlist directly from this log by clicking on a plugin and supplying a link and/or description of its contents in the panel that is displayed. moon_moon1_masser.esp Active RemoveEssentialPatch.esp Active DawnofWindhelm.esp Active Azincourt.esp Active
  6. Ok, so it first started out where I killed the very first dragon And couldn't absorb it's soul but I got around it by summoning a dragon fire sage and killing it. I get to miraak's temple the book is bugged so I used console commands to bypass that part and now Neloth won't open the nchardak door. Also when I load any solstheim save I get a visual of a summon then a load screen then ctd or I get taken to a "unknown location" with all the black books floating in the sky while I am infinitely falling.
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