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  1. Hi, Im trying to adapt parts of your code for my own mod... this particular function is to tell if a workshop has a provisioner or not... but I cant seem to get it to work.. the variable caravans is always 0 ... int function GetCaravanCount(WorkshopScript inputSettlement) int caravans = 0 WorkshopDataScript:WorkshopRatingKeyword[] ratings WorkshopScript workshopRef = inputSettlement as WorkshopScript if (workshopRef) WorkshopParentScript theParent = workshopRef.WorkshopParent as WorkshopParentScript if (theParent) ratings = theParent.WorkshopRatings caravans = workshopRef.GetValue(ratings[theParent.WorkshopRatingCaravan].resourceValue) as int endif endif ratings = NONE return caravans endFunction
  2. @spacefiddel: The index is set back 0 before you enter the loop... once you are in the WHILE loop the index keeps increasing until it exits. Basically it keeps increasing if the settlements are clean or don't meet the 10 settler criteria. Setting index = 0 is done to initialize the index variable BEFORE you enter the loop, once you are inside the while loop you never repeat the index = 0 within the same function call. Let me know if its not clear yet.
  3. @spacefiddel: I might be mistaken here, but I think the point is to exit the while once a settlement has been passed to the QueueSettlement() function ... if you go to the ShouldCleanSettlement() you will notice there is a check there to see if that settlement has been cleaned so it does not get cleaned twice. Basically, it will exit after the first one, if the first one meets the criteria... but the next time the script runs the first one will return false for the ShouldCleanSettlement(), the loop will continue.
  4. Greetings, I am trying to write a script that allows me to access the inventory of NPCS and give and take armor to them. I can use the .openinventory() function to open the inventory and take items, however i cant take the armor that npcs are wearing and they dont wear the armor i give them. I know this is related to the outfit thing, I have tried changing the NPCs outfit to an empty one with the .SetOutfit() function but so far no luck. Does anyone know how to solve this? thanks!
  5. Good to know you liked my mod. I might take you up on that offer for voice acting in the long run, about various shops... that's something i am not so sure about, it is entirely possible but the amount of work involved is a bit too much, i do have a few ideas about adding some more properties you can buy perhaps things that produce goods you can sell in your store, but whether it makes it into the mod or not i still dont know.
  6. @PaladinRider: "Yup I'm amped to mod for Skyrim. Truth be told, I'm more anxious to start my mod for Skyrim than actually play it! " Exactly my situation!. Although i'll have to do some in-game research before getting to mod the game.. you know for realism sakes... :whistling: I understand where you're coming from, trade and commerce was also my first real mod so i made a lot of mistakes (on the CS side, the player has no clue all the hoops i had to pull to make the mod feel inmersive and organic). I must have rewritten the scripts at least three times, in the end the mod was such a mess that adding one feature was very very complicated and that contributed to me losing interest in further developing it. But i wont make that same mistake for Skyrim.
  7. @PaladinRider: You're the maker of the Run the Lucky 38 mod right? I never played it but it seems like an awesome mod,and quite successful with the community. I certainly think your idea is very good but its a bit outside my scope for the mod, i want to focus on a single store and make it as fledged out as i can. One of the things i learned about my mod after releasing it is that people seem to like it because its fairly straight forward, all you have to do is go out loot a dungeon and dump everything in the store; sure there are employees and taxes and what nots but at its core is a very simple mechanic. Are you planning on modding for Skyrim? something similar to Run the Lucky 38 for Skyrim would be awesome
  8. @JERorly: Thats a very good one, although it may prove quite difficult to implement.
  9. Thanks! Very good suggestions both, for advertising i was thinking about hiring a town crier, basically an npc who would go around town advertising your store. Now about relics you touch on one of the points i always wanted to develop for the original mod but never quite got around it; basically as you get more money you would hire a group of adventurers to go out on expeditions to remote lands and the more money you payed them (funding the expedition) the greater the chances they would bring valuable stuff.
  10. This is exactly the kind of mod i'm planning to make for Skyrim, i don't know if you ever got the chance to play my mod for oblivion Trade and Commerce. I really enjoyed making that mod and i'll most certainly give it a go for skyrim. I'm open to any suggestions and features you guys might want to see; if you played my mod for oblivion i also appreciate any critique so ill know what to improve for Skyrim.
  11. Hey guys, i am the creator of the Trade and Commerce mod for oblivion and i've been thinking about releasing the mod for Skyrim. It'll probably take me some time to start developing the mod and even more time if i have to wait for something similar to OBSE to come out for Skyrim, but ill definitively give it a go. So the point of this thread: i want to get some input from players on what aspects of the mod you would like to see improved and what new features you would like to see.
  12. If gameplay changes and improvements are your thing you should definitively begin by learning scripting. Scripting is perhaps the most difficult part of modding oblivion, but its also the most powerful tool, all the cool mods out there that do more than simply add a new armor, a weapon or a house use scripting to some degree. Scripting is basically programming, not dissimilar to what real programmers do, so having some knowledge of other programming language really helps. If you are interested in scripting i recommend the CS wiki to figure out the basics and experimentation on your own to learn the rest. Learning scripting for oblivion has the advantage that even if the devs ditch OblivionScript (the language in which scripts for oblivion are written) the basic principles of programming are the same for all programming languages and should apply to anything they implement in skyrim. And even if you later dont mod for skyrim you would have gained an insight into how programming is actually done, and could perhaps learn other programming languages that may be useful to you in real life (I recomend Visual Basic for beginners because its easy to grasp and you can do some cool and useful stuff in any office application like excel or access).
  13. A bit of self promotion here, check my mod its new so you may not have heard of it. Link It lets you run your own store, where you can put your items for sale. Its fully customizable. Check the readme for full details if you are interested.
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