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About Sacrifyx

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  1. Wow, this thread really took on a life of its own! I was away at work and unable to respond but I fired up Vortex and it seems to be magically working again.
  2. Might just be going blind but I can't find 3 dots in the upper right corner nor any menu option that points to 'Send Feedback'.
  3. Dumps folder is empty. No errors in the background. Can't attach vortex.log here, is there another place I should send it?
  4. Yes, just the splash screen, and it will sit on that until I kill the Vortex process in task manager. Everything was going fine. I loaded it up last night and set Morrowind as a managed game, set up the filepaths that it asked for and then decided I didn't feel like playing, closed the app and shut down the PC. I came back to it this morning and this is how it's behaving now. Vortex version 16.10.0 The reason I'm asking about leftover config files during uninstall is that maybe something got jacked up when I added Morrowind last night and I'd like to know if I can revert that or remove the configs and see if it will load at all.
  5. Yes - I double click the icon and the Vortex logo comes up and nothing else after. The logo will stay there until I kill the process via task manager. No other windows. I did a recent update, not sure if it was yesterday but it was certainly working the last time I opened it and no update was performed then. I'm not worried about losing the data files and configurations, I'm wondering if something in those files is causing the problem and I should clear them out. And games themselves work, it's just a Vortex thing.
  6. Hey all, Vortex started acting up this morning. Was fine last night, last thing I did was add Morrowind as a managed game, then shut it down and went to bed. This morning, it won't launch. It pops up the Vortex logo and just sort of sits there. Never shows as 'not responding' and I don't get anything in the Windows event viewer regarding it, either. Uninstall/reinstall (a few times), same thing. Are there some config files that hang out after uninstall that the new install is reading that I can get rid of or any other suggestions?
  7. At this point in time, I'm not sure if I'm for or against this. I'm not a modder personally, and if I were to pay money for a mod it would have to be top notch studio quality stuff, so my opinion on it probably isn't very important anyway. I am however envisioning the next Bethesda game being released with 8 million bugs as per usual (I've actually been lucky I suppose as I've never been bitten too badly on any of their games), them releasing 3 free patches over the next year that fix 5 of the bugs, then having to pay $20 for the unofficial community patch that fixes the other 7,999,995 of them...
  8. Don't understand all the hate for this game. This is my 4th beta session (yay for no NDA this time around!) and each iteration has shown improvement over the last. This time around I've been able to spend less time reporting bugs, glitches, grammatical errors and actually look around and enjoy the game world and the limited quest lines they've opened up to the testers. The fact that it has moddability is just icing on the cake. Unfortunately, real life concerns mean that I won't be purchasing it once it goes live. No point in paying a $15 monthly sub for something I'm only going to be able to play a couple hours on the weekends and such. If it weren't for work and a toddler, I'd definitely do it.
  9. More or less. It's not so much the bulk of the graphics that kill you as the shadows. Disable the shadows and you can get away with quite a bit graphics-wise.
  10. Also disable the shadows...it kind of sux as it detracts from the game's beauty, but you'll notice a huge improvement in FPS right away.
  11. Do they 'look' dated? Oblivion's gameplay is pretty close to Skyrim's and available mods can close that gap even more. Graphically, it still looks great and again, there are tons of mods to bring the graphical quality up by a large degree. For Morrowind, there's nothing unfortunately (at least that I've found) that can make the gameplay itself better (I'm not a fan of the dice-roll combat system), but the only thing you need to make it look freakin' great is MGSO, a phenomenal collection of graphical mods that really go a long way to making it look like it's not an 11 year old game, and that alone makes it worth the time to play through. Not to mention the available world mods such as Tamriel Rebuilt that add so so so much to the game it's ridiculous.
  12. As I recall, the engine is very sensitive to overclocking and doing so may actually result in decreased performance in this game. That may not be entirely correct but it's something I remember reading at one point, part of the reason I run my CPU at it's standard settings.
  13. Not at all - I figure the less half-assed this is, the better chance someone might see fit to do something with it. I'm wondering if the implant system they have might come into play as well...sooooooooooooo many options. Aargh, I wish I had the time to learn to mod myself. It took me a good week to get a custom companion made, and he never really worked quite right. So I'm at the mercy of the modders. I'd prefer to see something like this done well rather than murdered by my own hand.
  14. Or maybe, instead of trying to re-attach your own limb, you use a prostethic one. They could even come at different tech-levels. Low-level would just be a pegleg made out of whatever works, really (iron pipe, a shaped piece of wood, or maybe even a gun barrel?), and high-tech versions would be fully functioning artificial ones (I remember seeing a few Terminator-themed mods for FO3, at least. Maybe could use assets from those?) On a slightly different note: Anyone been to Camp Forlorn Hope? Without giving away too many spoilers, there's a minefield nearby where there's injured soldiers lying around, some without arms or legs, still alive and talking to you! Lips moving and all. I don't know if that's any good but, y'know... every bit helps? I saw that! I didn't see any mines, and just one dude who was laying on the ground...didn't look to be missing anything, he was just laying there and when I went up to him he was like "Just get away from me!" or something...I thought it was one of these bugs people speak of that my PC copy has been thankfully free of. But yeah, something like that might be a good place to start, and I'm liking the prosthetic idea as well. Maybe at some point you can become a complete machine, open up new perks, increase some skills and decrease others...I like the way this is coming together on paper, even if it never gets modded out.
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