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About jen3ss

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  1. It was happening with auto save turned off, I have turned it back on so at least it saves just before it crashes.
  2. You may want to run a virus scan, Steam does not pop up ads during games. The ads come up after it crashes. The messages are "steam community" messages, they pop up in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. They have always been there, they used to pop up on my old pc, playing HL2. The other messages were something to do with steam's forum being back up, and 1 was steam doing an update. Since I turned all the messages off I have had a few crashes, mostly when finishing alchemy in Whiterun and exiting/fast travel to random locations.
  3. I have had this happen 4 times in about 20 hours (twice in 12hrs straight) every time it was because of steam, with random advertising and messages popping up in game. I have turned off every message option I can find, it hasn't happened since.
  4. I have decided to drop enchanting, archery, paralyzing strike and extra pockets. That gets it down to 50 One Handed Armsman 1 Bladesman 3 Fighting stance Savage strike Light Armor Agile defender 5 Custom fit Unhindered Wind walker Deft movement Matching set Sneak Stealth 5 Muffled movement Backstab Deadly aim Assassin's blade Shadow warrior Silence Alchemy Alchemist 5 Physician Poisoner Concentrated poison Benefactor Experimenter 3 Green thumb Snakeblood Purity Pickpocket Light fingers Night thief Poisoned Smithing Steel smithing Arcane blacksmith Elven smithing Advanced armors Glass smithing Dragon armor Daderic smithing
  5. I have been whittling down my list. There are a few perks I can drop if the circular trees work that way. I have also taken some out of Armsman and overdraw. That leaves me with 73. Depending how hard lock picking is, and if the skeleton key is in the game, I might be able to drop the lock picking perks, that would leave me with 68, which is still a long way from 49. Armor will be the last thing I put points into as well. One Handed Armsman 1 Bladesman 3 Fighting stance Savage strike Paralyzing strike Light Armor Agile defender 5 Custom fit Unhindered Wind walker Deft movement Matching set Sneak Stealth 5 Muffled movement Backstab Deadly aim Assassin's blade Shadow warrior Silence Alchemy Alchemist 5 Physician Poisoner Concentrated poison Benefactor Experimenter 3 Green thumb Snakeblood Purity Pickpocket Light fingers Night thief Poisoned Extra pockets Lockpicking Novice locks Apprentice locks Adept locks Locksmith Unbreakable Archery Overdraw 1 Critical shot 3 Eagle eye Smithing Steel smithing Arcane blacksmith Elven smithing Advanced armors Glass smithing Dragon armor Daderic smithing Enchanting Enchanter 5 Soul squeezer Soul siphon Fire enchanter Insightful enchanter Corpus enchanter Extra effect
  6. That would change a few things. Are you sure that is the case?
  7. The base damage of Daderic has always been higher then glass, I am guessing it will be the same in Skyrim. So if I want to craft and improve Daderic weapons I will need to take the entire "heavy" side of the tree.
  8. I think that "double perks" will be the easiest quick fix, but it could easily unbalance the game if you use them the wrong way. I like the idea of separating the crafting perks, You could get 2 perks every level, 1 specifically for crafting skills and one for combat skills. I don't know if it is possible, but you would need to ID the perks and trees with "Crafting" and "combat". In the long term I would like to see/make a mod that completely changes the way perks are awarded, the biggest problem would be keeping the game balanced, you don't want to be "god" by level 50.
  9. You mean because you have to learn steel and etc to get to dragon? I'm thinking there is a heavy and light version of each. No, I mean because Daderic weapons are generally better the glass, and ebony better then elven .etc.
  10. The perk system is the biggest problem I have with the game. I think the perks should have been skill based and not level based, or awarded some other way e.g. reading books, quests or training. Or actually using the skills (as a novel concept) The perk trees also make you take un needed and sometimes useless looking perks to get the ones you want. Like the smithing tree, I would have to take both light and heavy armor to be able to craft the armor and the weapons I want to use. I want to build a self sufficient Nord Ninja. He is adept in one handed weapons, light armor and stealth. He is proficient with a bow for ranged defense and kills. He is also adept in making poisons and healing potions. He can craft and enchant his own weapons and armor. There are 88 perks I would need for this build. One Handed Armsman 5 Bladesman 3 Fighting stance Savage strike Paralyzing strike Critical charge Light Armor Agile defender 5 Custom fit Unhindered Wind walker Deft movement Matching set Sneak Stealth 5 Muffled movement Backstab Light foot Silent roll Deadly aim Silence Shadow warrior Alchemy Alchemist 5 Physician Poisoner Concentrated poison Benefactor Experimenter 3 Green thumb Snakeblood Purity Pickpocket Light fingers Night thief Poisoned Extra pockets Lockpicking Novice locks Apprentice locks Adept locks Locksmith Unbreakable Archery Overdraw 5 Critical shot 3 Eagle eye Smithing Steel smithing Arcane blacksmith Elven smithing Advanced armors Glass smithing Dragon armor Dwarven smithing Orcish smithing Ebony smithing Daderic smithing Enchanting Enchanter 5 Soul squeezer Soul siphon Fire enchanter Insightful enchanter Corpus enchanter Extra effect
  11. Is it possible make a mod that changes the perk system from being level based to skill based? Instead of getting 1 perk each level, you get one perk each time you level a skill to a set amount. E.g. there are 15 one handed perks (if you specialize in 1 weapon) so you would get 1 skill point every 6 levels. Also, is there an easy way to edit the leveling system to get 2 perks each level? with the ini file?
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