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  1. A great part of the fun of RPGing for me and many others is optimizing your character. As soon as a game becomes broken when you do that, it is the game's fault and not the player. Holding yourself back is extremely frustrating and is not a sollution for lack of difficulty. Master difficulty should be balanced with the best players in mind (hence the name "Master"). It should assume that you will use the maximum of your abilities. You call smiting an exploit, but it is has been designed to function this way by the programmers, so it is not an exploit, it is an example of bad design and it is up to the community to fix this.
  2. Mere moments sounds pretty fast to me. It is the final boss for crying out loud. Anything under a 10 minute battle is not epic enough for my liking.
  3. Your changes would not balance any of the problems listed here. They would only make the game less enjoyable for heavy armor users.
  4. There should be some changes in magic, but not making the spells twice as strong or anything, I love playing as a pure destruction mage because its basically putting another difficulty level on top of Master, actually using tactics in a fight is what makes it fun. Not just randomly slashing your way through enemies. No, there should be some changes made to warriors. There is no fun in oneshotting enemies at the highest difficulty.
  5. You think it is OK that you can defeat the last boss as if it were a normal mob, because it is a SINGLE PLAYER GAME? Every game needs balance especially RPGs.
  6. What is even more stupid is that the "unbreakable lockpick" perk makes all of the other easier picking skills obsolete.
  7. I would love to see bosses harder. The endboss took me zero potions and about 45 second of bashing with my sword to kill on expert difficulty. Havent seen such an easy boss in a very long time. It should take all your skills, buffs and pots to take an endboss down. What is the point of having all these buffing potions in the game when you don't need them? Also, at higher levels you still encounter low level creatures in dungeons filled with harder creatures. In a dungeon with bandits I often encounter normal bandits that require 1 hit to kill and much higher level bandits that need more than 20 hits. Why are these 2 mixed?
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