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About whitewulf0

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  1. OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHHHH I MADE IT! ahah thanks for all the help Barlet! it was a motherf***** stupid error! :wallbash: when i merged successfully i should have replaced the en.sb , en.toc (with the original ones of the path "Dragon Age Inquisition\Update\Patch\Data\Win32") in the "Patch_ModManagerMerge" too! and not only in the Dragon Age Inquisition\Update\Patch\Data\Win32 path! thanks again! :dance:
  2. eh, i tried all the solution you told me ahah and good results were only using that 2 solution: the nightmire solution and the one i create the Loc folder..
  3. oh yep, i didn't say that i merged successfully the mods without error with the nightmire metod and that "creating loc folder in win32 folder" metod but ahah... now the game wont start! :facepalm:
  4. i.... made it! i just created a folder named "Loc" in the Win32 folder of the game because i saw that the path that are searching the mod manager is the win32 folder and not the Patch_ModManagerMerge folder in Update path.. but now i have a question... http://prntscr.com/ekvqe5 does this folder must be here or somewhere else? same question for the "Loc" folder..
  5. yeah i know, thanks for the help barlet and for your time
  6. ok.... i tried that metod, i created a new folder and put in it the two files ecc ecc and now i get this error... :wacko: http://prntscr.com/ekuaxf that's the continue of that string.. http://prntscr.com/ekuchp
  7. i did not understand the knightmire solution... so, i go in the loctext folder, i create a new folder in desktop and i put in it the two files en.toc and en.sb, i download a mod from this site and then i merge without the two files..? im lost ahah..
  8. oh and another question.. how can i update the patch?
  9. sooo... i used the DAITools Suite Loader to download the Mod Manager, i have already installed direct x11 ecc ecc, the paths are correct, and not in the same folder as you see in these screenshots, (i don't know how to video record my screen so i did screenshots) http://prntscr.com/ekh9ap , http://prntscr.com/ekh9j0 , http://prntscr.com/ekh9pa , http://prntscr.com/ekh9yb , http://prntscr.com/ekha6b , http://prntscr.com/ekhac9 there they are all the screenshots..i don't understand the error... oh and about "repair the game" what do you mean? how can i repair the game? i think i need a good "Patch" folder of the game :I
  10. Hi all, i have this problem with modding, i start merging and it stops the operation to the file "en.toc" and i get this error with every mod: http://prntscr.com/ek97gg i really don't know what to do, i know that i need to change the patch number in the file MFT and (don't look at the version number 2 ahah, i already tried with 10-11-12-13-14.... and it doesn't worked) i think it's a problem of the "official patch" and not of the mods.. i really don't know what to do, heeeelp.. :sad:
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