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About lonedrow1

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  1. I seem to have hit a bit of a snag with trying to make a Perk with the Skyrim Special Edition Creation Kit, and it seems to be related to GetStaminaPercentage. Specifically, I am trying to make a Perk that, when an enemy blocks, they take an additional amount of damage based on the Caster's Stamina Percentage. This Perk itself checks if the Target is blocking, and if the Target is blocking, it casts the desired Spell, as shown here: The MagicEffect itself is pretty much a standard Damage Stamina effect, but I made my own for sorting purposes. An image is included here, just in case: The Spell itself has 4 Conditions. The first Condition checks if the Caster (run on Subject, then Swap Subject and Target) has a GetStaminaPercentage Value of 0.75. If True, it deals Stamina Damage with a Magnitude of 200 (its only 200 so I could figure out which Condition was firing). The other 3 Conditions are similar, with the exception that Condition 2 checks if the Caster's Stamina is greater than 0.5 and above/equal to 0.75, Condition 3 checks if the Caster's Stamina is greater than 0.25 and above/equal to 0.5, and Condition 4 checks if the Caster's Stamina is greater than 0.0 and less/equal to 0.25. Below are two pictures that display the setup in the creation kit: The issue I am having is that the first Condition fires, no matter what the Caster's Stamina is at. Above 75%? 200 Stamina Damage. 50%? 200 Stamina Damage. 0%? 200 Stamina Damage. Here is a picture which displays the Caster's Stamina at 0, but is still doing the 200 Stamina Damage: Now, the question I am having is if something is set up incorrectly, or if the Perk is considered the "Caster" and not the Actor it is attached to? I did some digging and found that the Creation Kit Wiki (here https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=GetStaminaPercentage) mentions that GetStaminaPercentage will always return a 1.00 or a 0.00, and nothing in between. If that is the case (which sucks, since it would mean nothing was fixed from the previous CK), I am assuming that I will need to create a Papyrus Script - which I am not adverse to, I'd just rather do what I can with the Creation Kit so I can be selective where I use Scripts. Wall aside, I appreciate the time anyone takes to look at this issue, so thanks in advance. EDIT: Seems my pictures didnt work. included direct links instead. The links are to Dropbox Image Preview, and do not require a download.
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