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About nihiliu

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  1. Hi! Our great modders have made countless of beautiful war paints. Yet all needs to be applied via character creation menu. In my opinion you don't walk with warpain like all day. You apply it before battle. Dont know if that would be possible but making 'paint items' that you can use from your inventory to apply warpaint for limited period of time(they could boost your stats for a while also) would be great addition to immersion.
  2. If you dont mind future world i will recommend you fallout new vegas. You live in a post apocaliptic america and you have to fight for everything there like food water ammuntion. Of course after mods without them there is to much ammo and stuff ; )
  3. Yes it does. Search for insanity katana in nexus.
  4. Creation Kit will be more than happy to help you as it is really simple :)
  5. What about werebears from Dragonborn DLC they do change in beast form from human form.
  6. Already done :P but i would like draugr to be immune as well. Since we don't have many ghosts in skyrim... http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36525/?
  7. Nice, IT is from swotor online ? Becouse i cant recall them from swotor 1 or 2. Only thing i am afraid are copyrights. ..
  8. I dont think that we arÄ™ going to see mod like this ever. When you kill npc he dissapears afer time and You want To keep him after a while you would be running out of memory and CTD. And you can mutilate and burn corpses in various ways try Deadly Mutilations mod from Nexus it is nicely integrated with game.
  9. But in immersive creatures or in vanilla game it doesnt affect ghosts ? Maybe in SIC there is no key word in ghosts ? Just undead ?
  10. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38898/?
  11. +1 it could be something like witcher you can attach to your belt trophies of slain creatures. Trophies could be craftable at tanning rack f.i bear pelt + bear claws gives you bear paw.
  12. Respect futurama or die trying ;) About mod it is a little crazy IT will consume much affort for nothing really i guess you could use race menu to create character and import its head but i doubt that anyone exept futurama maniac will try it ;)
  13. Seems extremly hard to code it. I mean it is doable to create something like ebony blade, but i doubt that you can easily apply it to all weapons without decreasing game performance drastically. You have to monitor all weapons that player used, count its killed creatures and so on. When you store it in chest you expect that number of creature killed by weapon will stay after you take it back later.
  14. I am already using SKYRE and i am kinda happy with it. And requiem alters maaaany maany more.
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