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About OldheadGaming4K

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  1. Wow I'm a f*#@ing idiot for not realising it was set to none. Thank you.
  2. I have a lot of free time at the moment and I've decided to spend it learning (or partly learning) the GECK. Specifically, I wanted to make a mod that provides a peaceful solution to the Ghost Town Gunfight quest by letting you intimidate Joe Cobb into leaving the town. I've learned how to make a speech check from seeing different dialogue topics in the VFreeformGoodsprings quest, and I've managed to write something very basic. What I can't seem to figure out is how to write it in a way to make it look like a proper skill check, i.e. the skill check fail has the red box and shows my explosive skill out of 25. For example, this is what the Easy Pete explosives speech check looks like. And this is how it looks in my mod. (to clarify, speech < 25 was just what I wrote as a placeholder instead of writing dialogue) I can't seem to figure out what I need to do to make the failure option look legit, because it's not too dissimilar from similar skill checks I see in the GECK, such as VFreeformGoodspringsGSTrudyTopic001. If anyone knows how to mod dialogue and quests, let me know what I'm doing wrong.
  3. I have very little knowledge of modding, but I was trying to understand how I could tweak some stuff I wanted changed. The biggest thing for me was scatter the Courier's Stash items across the map. I downloaded a mod from 2017 called Courier's Stash Scattered, but I was hoping I could keep two items from the classic and caravan packs: the pair of binoculars and the vault 13 canteen. I was wondering if there's a way to have these games added to my inventory at the start, along with the vault 21 jumpsuit.
  4. So nexusguy999, the creator of that recent cyberpunk metro mod, made a mod about a year ago called "Recap Video Begone". It removed the recap video when you load the game after launching it (which you have to skip by pressing space) and replaced it with the standard loading screen you get when you fast travel or when you reload a save. It worked fine until the 1.3 patch in August. Now the last update, from the 21st August, says it was fixed to work with the latest patch and latest version of Cyber Engine Tweaks, but it doesn't work at all. I remember commenting on the mod saying that it wasn't working, and he said he'd fix it, but I'm guessing he just forgot about it or didn't think it was worth fixing, which is a shame because it's probably something that would take about two hours to fix. So if anyone has to time, can they make a version of the recap video begone that actually works. Link to the original mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/1614?tab=description
  5. There's already a mod that lets you convince Joe Cobb and his group of powder gangers to move into Goodsprings (https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/56976), but personally I'd prefer something different; I want a mod in which you can convince Cobb et al to leave the town of Goodsprings and return to the NCR Correctional Facility. Basically, the way I'd envision it occurring is that after talking to Trudy, a dialogue option comes up for Joe Cobb saying something like "You should leave Goodsprings alone", after which Cobb will refuse. From there, you will be given a number of speech options: with high enough speech you could threaten him into leaving, mentioning how the town of Goodsprings outguns and outnumbers his gang. With high enough explosive skill (maybe 25, like Easy Pete) you could mention that you have enough dynamite to blow them to kingdom come. With a high enough barter skill, you could bribe them into leaving town for about 100 or 200 caps. And then they're just be an option to back out of that if you want, just something like "nevermind". There doesn't really need to be voicing acting for Cobb, I'm fine with just dialogue (unless you're extremely talented and good with voice acting and sound like the voice actor who played Joe Cobb). I'm sure something like this wouldn't be too hard to mod. I just feel like this would be a good addition to the game and a good way to scare off the Powder Gangers without having to fight them and become hated by them.
  6. The default map legend is f*#@ing atrocious. Firstly, it's so busted that there's no way to scroll up and down the legend without moving around the map. Secondly, you can only filter by set categories of drop point, service point, fast travel, open world, rides, job. You can't filter out everything except, for example, ripperdocs and fast travel points. With the map already being pretty crowded, it's hard to find where certain stores and markers are. So some kind of better legend with filtering options would be nice.
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