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Everything posted by Cadacis

  1. I'm trying to add new weapons to to game, right now just models, I have been following the "Light sword" Tutorial, but i can't get the model to actually show up in game, any ideas.
  2. no no no, that's what i knew how to do, I've gotten the editor running, made a model, got the .upk file and everything now i just need to figure out how to get the model into the example weapon mod. Edit: Ok the only problem i have now is finding the weapon archtype for conventional assault rifle, and i have no idea where it is located.
  3. I have no idea how to even start with this, I understand changing the .Ini files that's simple enough, I played around with the Xcom2 Dev tools from steam, but how the hell do I get the unreal editor to recognize Xcom2 and give me the content we've been given?
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