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Everything posted by JanT83

  1. old post, so not sure if still needed, but i have the same issue... when ever i go into racemenu, i change the game's res to 1920, before going into racemenu and then change it back to 5760 afterwards. found any other solution yet, other than moving the camera in racemenu itself?
  2. Welcome Paul. Hope you enjoy your stay ;)
  3. What a mess. I spent the last two days downloading gigs and gigs of mods onto an external HDD before they keep disappearing... I like to have stuff backed up.
  4. Created a Facebook journal for my character - https://www.facebook.com/ThyraBlackthorn
  5. Just wanna say thanx for doing what you're doing. You keep my nr 1 favorite game enjoyable through out the years. The Nexus is like my daily newspaper in the morning with a cup of coffee before I start work.
  6. Good idea. I'll be keeping my eye on the video section.
  7. Thanx for the updates. I finally decided to go life time premium on nexus. Hope you put my money to good use. Keep up the good work!
  8. In response to post #11076379. Impressive right? And I thought I was bad downloading 23 at once for a new play-through/character.
  9. In response to post #11036079. #11045940, #11048594 are all replies on the same post. Isn't 0.46.0 the latest?
  10. Finished reading the article, went to launch NMM, "Cannot reach the Nexus metadata server." ...of course -_- Looking forward to a stable 1.0 version. One day, not today, but one day...
  11. In response to post #10767137. #10769430, #10770001 are all replies on the same post. I clicked the "Checks for new mod versions" button just now and it fixed it now :)
  12. In response to post #10767137. same here with all mods at the moment
  13. In response to post #10436242. Take all the time you need Dark0ne. I work in IT myself and the number one question that every one at work hates from the clients is "How much longer is it gonna take?". I log into NMM every morning/evening hoping to see it being up and running again (since I have reinstalled Skyrim and doing a complete fresh rebuild of it and the mods and a new character and wont start until NMM is ready again), but I trust you guys have reasons why it takes longer than expected. All the best, Jan.
  14. In response to post #10427349. #10428494 is also a reply to the same post. Bro do you even read?
  15. In response to post #8464553. #8465092, #8465764 are all replies on the same post. I think there will always be that kind of people around.
  16. Maybe you would like this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22777
  17. Fireworks would be awesome in Skyrim! Hope you find someone to help you with this.
  18. Hi modders! I just started a new character (I think it's number 7 or so...) and I spend most my money on training. I though, it would be a good idea to have a mod that enables map markers on the map for all trainer's locations. The map markers could be enabled and disabled via a misc quest entry, unless you guys have a better idea on how to toggle the map markers. It would also be handy to see the name of the trainer and the skill they train on the map markers. I already had a look on nexus and searched for "trainer" and "trainers" and there seem to be only mods for placing additional trainers but nothing like the idea I have here. Let me know what you think. I keep an eye on this post and I would love to see this being made available via nexus with NMM install. Thanx, Jan.
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