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Everything posted by dawg1982

  1. This is exactly why Sony had problems with Anonymous. It is ludicrous to think that after you buy a product that the company still owns it. They only own the rights. If I wanted to convert my PS3 to a stove, I bought the thing, it is mine and I have every right. As long as I am not changing it to a stove to make money off of it everything should be good. So if I buy ME3, that is my game. If I want to make more armors, retexture it to higher quality and even more quests to the single player campaign I should have every right as long as I'm not selling the material. I love mass effect games, I love dragon age. I have already made the decision to boycott EA and origin as I have done the same thing to Wal Mart. The consumers have the true power if the consumers would work together. These big companies consumed with corporate greed need to have the consumers let them know they have the power and we will not loose our rights by buying their products. This is the same effect of buying a PC from HP, DELL or any other company and being told you cannot add more hardware to it and only download their software. (I build my own PC's, that is just to make a point.)
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