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Nexus Mods Profile

About KuroiTetsu

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  1. Surely nobody will read this nor do I think they want to, but I am a fan of armor that does not cover Kratos' entire body like the survivor's, and I do not like the design of the full body ones either and I would like some way to be able to make only the chest armor invisible or something like that, I know there is an option to transmogrify, but level 9 of armor or weapons is not achieved almost until the end of the game and I have just started the game, even if I cheated to directly get the armor at level 9 it would be too broken in the game
  2. I don't know if I'm in the correct section of the forum or if someone is reading me, I recently added many mods and I'm struggling to find out which one causes this visual bug on my head, which prevents me from having short haircuts
  3. I doubt that the mod that I have in mind, anyone will do it, here is my request. You see, I play with the mod to have more companions than the vanilla game allows and since I have so many, it makes it difficult for me to explore having them with me bothering me when I move around the map, so one day I would like to see a mod that makes the companions disappear outside of combat and only appear in combat or in dialogue, either always or by activating and deactivating it with a passive
  4. Hello, my English is not very good, so I apologize in advance. You see, I want to start a game of Karlach and I'm not happy with that type 3 muscular body he has, so I was wondering if any hero without a cape could make a mod to use Karlach in the type 1 body and as an extra I would like if It is possible to be able to remove the tail, I can live without the second, but I would really like to be able to play with the other body type
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