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Posts posted by CrusnikVamp

  1. If you think about it, you really didn't save the world, sure, we stopped Alduin, and decided the war between the Imperials and the Stormcloaks, but there are still dragons on the loose, and Gods know what else, and back to the subject of Alduin, only, you, the Jarl of Whiterun, the blades and the Graybeards are the only ones who know about him, it's not like the common folk know some giant black hell-dragon is ploting to overtake the world, they just know Dragons have been brought back to life. To me, that's why the ending seems like a hollow victory, but then again, what are you going to do, and another thing, why does DragonRend only work on Alduin?
  2. Might as well finish the quest, if your anything like me, I can't stand having unfinished, or unstarted quests in my log, you may become a flesh eater, but at least you get a cool ring...
  3. We mainly go from quest to quest on our first playthroughs, due to the fact that the game is still new and, I don't know if I speak for everyone else when I say that, when I first played, I just wanted to get the Main Quest over and done with, but when we play again, we take the time to explore and do some of the Side Quests, all in all, it's just how the people who plays the game, plays the game, everyone has his/her own play style.
  4. Is there a way to clean up the house, I've bought it and done the murder quest, but the hidden room with the Alchemy and Enchanting station is still filled with bone and that same alter, not to mention I've got blood all over the floor there, is there a way to clean it up, or should i just ignore it?
  5. See, i think that is my issue, I'm Fast Traveling everywhere, i haven't even done the Main Quest yet, but it still seems like I'm stuck, i want to do the Main Quest, but i really don't feel like climbing the 7000 steps, lol, so i started new, (Killed the Dark Brotherhood the first time), so it's a never ending cycle, lol
  6. Then i must be doing something wrong, lol, the only bloody Random I've come across is the damn assassin that tried to kill me, i'm quick traveling a lot, but i doubt that's the issue, maybe it's because i'm staying off the main roads a lot, too, maybe on this playthrough i might stick to the roads, no fast travel or carrage for me, good thing the looks are better then Oblivion's or i might get bored.
  7. Xenius, this is mainly aimed at you, is there anyway we could get you to convert your custom characters from Oblivion to Skyrim, they were all very well done. We need some new flavour in this game, but without the CS i don't know how much of that is actually possible. Everyone else feel free to post if you agree with me, and post if you know of any good race mods, the vanilla races are getting stale.
  8. Because Bethesdas target audience would cry if they didn't get everything handed to them on a plate.


    so true.


    It would also make the game longer and more drawn out, for some that's a good thing, for others, not so much, plus, it's not a matter of skill, it's a matter of doing something that the other member's/ current leader recognize, like with the Mage College, after the High Mage was killed, you as the PC stepped in, retrieved the staff and killed the Thalmor bastardo that killed the High Mage, thus, you were named High Mage, same with the Companions, you retrieved Wuthrand and reforged it, an achievement with honoring. I has a little to do with your skills, but more to do with what the PC does within the group that makes for the title of leadership.

  9. if you kill her you fail the Cannibal quest, so you don't get the ring, but that's really all, but for me, i'm acctually trying to do all those quests, so i chose to be a Cannibal. Just like i chose to kill that dog barbaras or whatever.
  10. I had a hard time choosing as well, but i had a question, will completing the civil war before doing the main quest have any changes, like with the meeting? or will it still happen the same way?
  11. From what i can tell, it doesn't matter wither you side with the Stormclocks or the Imperials, but don't quote me on that, I'm sure you should be able to do the full Dark Brotherhood quite line and still be able to side with the Imperials, but if not, then i would take your friends advice, side with the Imperials, and do those quests first, then do the Dark Brotherhood quests, but like i said, i think it doesn't matter, after all both of those quest lines are side quests, sorta.
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