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Status Updates posted by Kanori24

  1. Feeling better
  2. No friend requests. You are not worth it.
  3. Oh, I've been here, hiding in the shadows... :P
  4. I hate Mondays :/
  5. The only good thing about this cold snap is I can set a 12 pack outside and the drink will be colder than they would be in the refrigerator! XD
  6. So SO glad the holidays are gone! :D
  7. Reinstallation of Skyrim #5! One of these days I'll learn not to mod it to death :P
  8. Well if I can't have one for real... I need an online girlfriend. :wub:
  9. I love a bit of sexy here and there, but their are way too many lewd mods in hot files right now... 8/27/17
  10. Yes I finally changed my avatar :P
  11. WHERE... is my treasure?!
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