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Everything posted by Deleted32224335User

  1. speedynl no one replied to Seekingthesun, his post was in May this year???? Mods1984 replied to me then you got involved in the conversation which is cool but its not relevant ......
  2. I am going to redo the WS today and stuff around, I knew I missed a step somewhere obviously but I have found every example and tutorial is different which has been a real pain and confusing. I would love it if one of you guys did a Youtube tutorial or maybe if I figure it out I could do one. I appreciate all your comments and help here, this has been a nightmare and yeh, i am new to this so I get your frustration aswell so I appreciate your patience...
  3. I also think my map marker is pointing to the external cell ATM. you won't see that in the ESP on Bethesda because im currently working on the cell in CK
  4. My mod is https://mods.bethesda.net/#en/workshop/fallout4/mod-detail/2656087 so i am lost with regard to a Workshop in Salem???? are we talking about the same mod here??? if so what the F have I done lol, :)
  5. thanks Mods1984 I really just wanted to get companions in the interior cell for starters that seems to be what most of the guys who downloaded the mod want, I appreciate your help
  6. Hi Seekingthesun I created a mod called Presidents Bunker which is an Interior Cell currently being downloaded on Bethesda Mods. I have a workshop and have linked it correctly and I am struggling with the correct scripts for sending Companions and Settlers into that cell so it can be used as a settlement. I have searched everywhere for the correct method and to be honest I am getting frustrated with the miss direction. I have tried everything you have mentioned in here and I was wondering if you got a resolution to this post and if so are you able to pass on some knowledge?? Please :( Cheers Tony1912 https://mods.bethesd...-detail/2656087
  7. Cheers "Seeking the sun" I did not know these were available, Personally I have had no problems with my method its been reliable and I do not come home to rusty t45 power armor anymore :) anyway each to their own, I just wanted to run mods that were tested by the person who did the modding to be reliable and stable and the best method for me was to test the mod, What i have found is any mod that messes with the original structures for example "Scrap anything" seem to cause these issues. Dont get me wrong I endorsed scrap anything and I think its an awesome mod, just found for me a more stable method of running mods that has caused less instability in game play.
  8. POWER ARMOR RESET FIX............The issue is when you fast travel. The solution to the problem for me was to reinstall each mod one at a time, customize some power armor and fast travel to another location and back again, after doing this I worked out it was a mod called scrap everything for me that was causing the issue. Every mod I install now goes through this test so I do not have any future reset issues.... There is two solutions to this issue. I started using Spring Cleaning instead of scrap everything, Its a more stable mod without the reset and the guy who created the mod seems to want to insure the game issues and resets are resolved and do not cause conflict with any of your game play.Spring Cleaning does not "Scrap everything" but scraps quite a lot and is stable.. The other solution I found is if you want to continue to use scrap everything, download Basement living and install, The reset issue does not seem to happen when you have your power armor in the basement area and up to now I have not had any instability issues with this mod. I hope this info Helps.
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