POWER ARMOR RESET FIX............The issue is when you fast travel. The solution to the problem for me was to reinstall each mod one at a time, customize some power armor and fast travel to another location and back again, after doing this I worked out it was a mod called scrap everything for me that was causing the issue. Every mod I install now goes through this test so I do not have any future reset issues.... There is two solutions to this issue. I started using Spring Cleaning instead of scrap everything, Its a more stable mod without the reset and the guy who created the mod seems to want to insure the game issues and resets are resolved and do not cause conflict with any of your game play.Spring Cleaning does not "Scrap everything" but scraps quite a lot and is stable.. The other solution I found is if you want to continue to use scrap everything, download Basement living and install, The reset issue does not seem to happen when you have your power armor in the basement area and up to now I have not had any instability issues with this mod. I hope this info Helps.