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Everything posted by YouMadBro

  1. Just so It's published, you can simply delete the "launchersettings.json" file within %Appdata%\NameOfTheGame\ and it will prompt you to create the mods folder again!
  2. Just so It's published, you can simply delete the "launchersettings.json" file within %Appdata%\NameOfTheGame\ and it will prompt you to create the mods folder again!
  3. Just so It's published, you can simply delete the "launchersettings.json" file within %Appdata%\7DaysToDie\ and it will prompt you to create the mods folder again!
  4. The game prompted me to save the deployed mods folder to a new location, so I moved it to a second drive. As far as I can tell, there's no way to move it back to the drive my game resides on! Can someone please help?
  5. It's not I can move the staging folder but not the mods folder. The same thing happened to me as well. My mods are going to another drive and I need to change it but cannot!
  6. It was located at: UNP and UNPB Spice Gear Collection - DELETED at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com) Anyone know where it went?
  7. FYI - the quoted mod F's up my membership with the Thieves Guild. After I ran the mod, I'm no longer in "good graces" with the guild and I have to complete a reparations quest with Vex.
  8. Found a mod that lets you wait a month: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12625
  9. What about changing the time scale? Would that also work? "set timescale to 12000"
  10. Is there a faster way to wait 31 days? console command?
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