Hello, I'm sorry for posting here again so soon, but I'm having a very frustrating problem. I have two problems. The first one is, I created a new weapon, which is basically just a duplicated weapon with an edited Object Template so that it spawns in with certain mods. I placed a couple on the ground in the creation kit, loaded up the game, and they worked like a charm. However, when I attempt to give them to NPC's, the weapon just appears as the generic version without any mods. The same happens when attempting to spawn it in via console. The second one is less major, but still annoying. I created duplicated versions of each of the combat armor pieces, so that they will only spawn in with a certain tier. I then add these to an Outfit, and give that Outfit to an NPC. On the creation kit display window, it appears perfectly, but in game, the NPC will only have some of the armor pieces. If anyone could help me out with this, it would be greatly appreciated! TL;DR: My duplicated gun doesn't spawn on NPC's with the mods I gave it, and NPC's don't equip everything in the Outfit they have. Thanks!