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About obsidianoceans

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    Alisia Dragoon (Sega Genesis)

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  1. With the guards you don't have to worry so much as most of them have helmets on! :D
  2. I'm totally willing to record voice tracks. Just email me what you want me to say! I record my own songs, and have even done a few skyrim bard songs for fun on youtube. I'll post a link to one of them so you can hear the quality of the recording. (whether you like my voice or not is up to you!) But I can do speaking, yelling, singing..whatever you want, I'd love to get involved somehow with some voice mods, or new bard mods or whatever! I also have access to one of those elusive females, and I'm sure she'd like recording stuff too! but yeah, feel free to contact me anytime. email is best as i don't check the nexus forums everyday, but i am usually checking the mods on the main site, so you could try contacting me there too. email is oceansofobsidian AT gmail dot com. TALE OF THE TONGUES COVER: AGE OF OPPRESSION COVER: (recorded with webcam, not a studio mic like 'tale of the tongues')
  3. Un-shamefully bumping this as I am still looking for a mod to do the guild justice!
  4. If anyone knows how to make these textures a higher resolution, I could certainly give it a try myself!
  5. Was thinking even more about this and I have tons of ideas but would like to hear what others think and if they think it would be worth the time once the CK comes out! Also, on a complete side note, if any of you modders need voices/music or bard songs...hit me up. I have access to decent recording gear and would love to get involved with a mod! Here's a link to the "Tale of the Tongues" cover I did in about an hour or so. Really basic, but the quality is decent enough to show that I can get some good sounds. Feel free to message me and we can chat! I also did a few other Skyrim covers for fun on there, check them out if you'd like. :P I also have access to one of those elusive females who could also do some dialog/singing. :D You can email me here: Email me
  6. yes! it would be cool if you could bury them wherever you wanted to, too...maybe under a particular tree, or whatever. there could also be a fire burning ceremony, as another option. i've seen horses and goats being burned above a fire on wood logs at one of the giant's hangouts, so the model would be already in the system. either way, i think that there should be a way to leave a marker/tombstone of some sort, or like you said, a piece of wood or a pile of stones or something. i was also thinking that if you that you could have a message box pop up when you selected the grave marker, that that would be AWESOME. not so you could necessarily read the a graphic on the grave site, but when you clicked "E" on it, dialog would come up, similar to the statues on your way up to High Hrothgar. "Here lies Lydia. She was annoyingly loyal and I loved watching her leave the room." or some sort of eulogy. lol could be a really cool (and funny) addition.
  7. So I've got about 225 hours logged in Skyrim and one idea that I've had over and over again but haven't seen posted is the option to bury the dead. You spend tons of time sometimes with a companion, only to lose them in a big battle, and you have no option but to leave their bodies there or toss them into a river or off a cliff something. Especially with as proud as Nords are, I can't see them ever leaving their fallen comrades there to rot without a proper burial. An option to bury bodies would be awesome. Graves that you could visit at later times would be a really cool option IMO. This mod would probably have to be aimed more at the NPCs who don't disappear after they die, like housecarls and followers...but then again my idea is raw and I have no idea what is actually possible as far as scripting and all that goes. But there are shovels in game with practically no use, and you do see graveyards, as well....So yeah. That's my idea. Feel free to add to it/discuss/etc. Thanks!
  8. i think it would be great to see some love given to the guild! Hopefully the right person sees this and can upload some high resolution goodness!
  9. Here's some pictures of Linwe's armor set, which would be awesome in high resolution, as well. My settings are on ultra and as you can see, these are just pretty weak textures! I would also LOVE a high-res version of this armor set! A short sleeved/hi-rez option of the Guild Master armor would be great, too! So many awesome possibilities for us thieves! Thanks for any consideration.
  10. I think it'd be hilarious if you came home to find your spouse in bed with another person. Like a "desperate housewives" mod or something. And then you have to go on the Medieval Maury show to find out if you're really the baby daddy or not. I think it was also a custom in some places back then to stone cheating spouses to death via the town square...Could work that in somewhere, too. The possibilities really are endless! :D
  11. lol they're being tortured man! give them a break! :D
  12. So I've gotten the Guild Master's Armor Set and was really disappointed as to how low-resolution it looks. I play the game on Ultra settings, so it's not that, it just feels really blurred/dull to me. Would love to see a mod using high resolution textures! Some alternate styles would be great too, as of right now there's not a ton of different options for the Guild Master armor! Thanks for any consideration, or if this is already done and I simply missed the mod, link it here! Picture related...What bothers me most is the belts on the front. I am using the FXAA filter, so my sharpening is enhanced in this picture. With vanilla settings it looks even more blurred.
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