yes! it would be cool if you could bury them wherever you wanted to, too...maybe under a particular tree, or whatever. there could also be a fire burning ceremony, as another option. i've seen horses and goats being burned above a fire on wood logs at one of the giant's hangouts, so the model would be already in the system. either way, i think that there should be a way to leave a marker/tombstone of some sort, or like you said, a piece of wood or a pile of stones or something. i was also thinking that if you that you could have a message box pop up when you selected the grave marker, that that would be AWESOME. not so you could necessarily read the a graphic on the grave site, but when you clicked "E" on it, dialog would come up, similar to the statues on your way up to High Hrothgar. "Here lies Lydia. She was annoyingly loyal and I loved watching her leave the room." or some sort of eulogy. lol could be a really cool (and funny) addition.