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About rubydorje

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  1. ...you should be able to make copies of your save game files in the save folder, renumber them and in the game overwrite them..
  2. Gday Mate, you open the Norm Map image, let us say, in Photoshop and save it in .bmp format... Download Microsoft DirectX, open the .bmp image and select V8U8, then or before use Mips to set the Mips.... then save it... Ps: If you are missing a Mip, Mip mismatch, you just need to. change the size of the image by how many are mismatching... you know 512, 1024, 2048.... then auto Mip it again...
  3. Hey YanL, first you need to find its textures in the Tree of ME3Explorer, then extract the Diff image, after that in a photo editing tool like Photoshop you change the colour, and then save the image in the right format and replace the original with it... there might be some other additional work necessary... ...you just keep a resaved copy of the blue original image and whenever youâll need the blue back you can just reinstall it...
  4. Downloading or Installing? Well, just find the Mass Effect 3 folder; the DLC folder is in there.
  5. Okay. Good on ya. Look, try to do a new install onto the desktop and run MM, because I cannot recall I had to do this before... it was always automatic as much as I can remember... or just write to Mgamerz...
  6. Gday, this was the conversation: A: You need to point it to the mass effect 3 biogame directory. Q: where is that located at , i have no idea what i am looking for A: It's in your mass effect 3 directory. This means you need to link MM to that BioGame folder what is inside the Mass Effect 3 folder. This does not mean you need to place the MM inside that BioGame folder. You do not need to do that, but in setting choose the BioGame folder as the right Directory... Sorry, I am not in front of my computer so I cannot look into it at this stage. Perhaps later on I will have some time to do that, I will get back to you then... Good luck.
  7. how about this one: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3285114-mass-effect-3-mod-manager/
  8. Hello there... 1- you could just provide your modded .pcc file and anyone can simply replace their original with it... 2- ModMaker matches the modded .pcc file with the original and so when the .mod file is run it overwrites the original with that changed aspect of that modded .pcc file, inserts your changes into your chosen .pcc... R.
  9. I think if you can add it to the tree, you could extract the textures... meshplorer can do the mesh.
  10. Gâday. Iâve installed it... well if you install the textures with ModMaker, yes it will be that whitish, but then when you install the texrures from the TPF package, EVA will take place... this way works... so I natalieâs the mesh with ModMaker and the the textures with ModMaker (what became the whitish) and then I installed the TPF textures over them all. Good luck.
  11. ...if you complete it now, you can restart it again as an ME3 Character for second play through including everything you had from ME/ME2...
  12. G'day Mate, So you'd like to have the left hand stripes paint removed, right? By the way where did it come from like that? Anyhow this is something very easy to do in my opinion. With ME3Explorer's Texplorer you extract the Diff texture, in Photoshop or other image editing software you just have to copy the textures parts for the left hand from the original over the left one of this you'd like to be different; and then you replace the textures back in ME3Explorer. I've never had any look at these textures so would not know for sure about all these, but it seems possible to fix it easy If I'll the time I'll have a look. Good luck.
  13. Gâday. That should be possible. ME3Exolorer has a tool what you can use to access the audio files within .pcc files... Iâve check it out once, so you only need to find a way to replace one with the other. Good luck.
  14. I have been using v3 since its first release... it works fine... might have been an update I don't know of, but glitch could be at your end...
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