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Nexus Mods Profile

About Mareca

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  • Currently Playing
    Counter Strike Global Offensive, Oblivion, Skyrim, Dark Souls, GTA V, Minecraft
  • Favourite Game
    CS GO, Skyrim, Oblivion,Batman Arkham Asylum;City,GTA IV,V, Darksiders I and II,Far Cry 3,Assassins Creed (all parts:DDD)

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  1. Ok.Hi guys.This started idk when but it is boring:I can't die! xD i have 1279/244 health i will upload picture now to show you.And i wanna to know how to fix it.Every time i use heal or potions or at arena that thing i gain health even i am at full.I will show you now picture: http://i48.tinypic.com/27y7azn.jpg
  2. Ok.Hi guys.This started idk when but it is boring:I can't die! xD i have 1279/244 health i will upload picture now to show you.And i wanna to know how to fix it.Every time i use heal or potions or at arena that thing i gain health even i am at full.I will show you now picture: http://i48.tinypic.com/27y7azn.jpg
  3. Ahahahaha soooo gooood i laughed soo loooong.One word: Epic !!! The potion the best xD and the end at the book store xD.You made my day man ! :D
  4. Ok,hi guys :D i want from you is the perk from skyrim,Assassins blade perk: Assassin's Blade Sneaking 50, Sneak attacks with daggers now do a total of fifteen times normal damage. Is it possible to someone do that and not to enchant item(more like when you become journeyman in sneaking,yea that would work!)?
  5. Can someone make the sword from Diablo III? Tyrael's sword: El'druin,Sword of Justice.My friend is creating script right now called:---Justice---.I will talk about that script later if someone is interested in creating it.Ok? Thanks in advance :D Here is the pic: http://images.wikia.com/diablo/images/c/cd/TYRAEL.jpg
  6. ok thanks :D anyway you are good too :D I will give him kudos too :D
  7. Thanks man! :D I scrapped this work and did another one and it works!No crashes and it is seen able in the game!Thanks! I gave you a kudos! :D
  8. ok this is helpful ! But i dont wanna to create whole armor just helm.But i will try now like he said DrakeTheDragon load skeleton mesh and add that item there.Will that work?
  9. And one more guys.It is invinsible in CS and in Game.help?No crashes.
  10. Ok! Thanks man! Aloooot! I will do this later.And i will tell you if there is some problem.Ok?
  11. Ok. 1.Helmet mesh is created by my friend (he only did it in Blender) and gave it to me. 3.Yes.I did that. 4.Yes i selected head and hair 5.Armor shows up in the game but i cant get it. And 2. Idk....... Someone told me that i need to take BSA unpacker (i think that is called)and find daedrichelmetGO and add that in nifscope and replace with my helmet.Is that right?
  12. Hi guys.I have a problem, i dont know how to add new armor to the game.Every time i try to take it it is like statue (just standing there),so does someone knows how to help me plss?Some tutorial will be helpful :D :thumbsup: PS:.............head slot item.............
  13. I like i sad in Topic Description wow model again! :facepalm: There are so little wow weapons in oblivion so i would love to see this weapon: Ti'tahk, the Steps of Time http://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/295953.jpg At the top we could add sigil stone or something like that and fire effect dont need,something that slowes down FPS on PC! (My PC runs oblivion on 7 fps xD)So anyone interested.Or we dont need that ball at the top and just create the staff! Ok? PS:Please i need it! :facepalm: PSS:I was creating some mod and i need this model, so can someone do it?
  14. Hey ddomie.I sent PM to that guy,and now i will wait to see will he take that request!And thanks! :biggrin:
  15. no problem :biggrin: :thumbsup:
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