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Nexus Mods Profile

About Allephus

  1. I'll just keep putting this up for request. I'd really like to see this. Any chance that it'll be taken up after so long?
  2. I disagree but to each their own.
  3. http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100419180817/witcher/images/thumb/4/4d/Tw2_full_Triss.png/325px-Tw2_full_Triss.png See how it would fit on the neck? At least a variation of it for a head piece?
  4. I know there isn't a head piece for the actual Triss armor, but it'd feel more complete if there were...to me... I think it'd be cool to have a veil wrapped around the shoulders with a neck piece that covers part of the face. Auron's gimmick costume here represents what I'm talking about: http://www.japanforum.com/gallery/data/509/auron.jpg
  5. Totally. Gummy Bear armor would be deliciously epic. It would absolutely fit in Skyrim too! Uhm....honestly, if anybody is up for it, I'd kinda like to see somebody make a mod-port from Call of Cthulu's damage system. That would be pretty awesome. Even though that game was unplayable because of the bugs, the way damage was calculated was pretty awesome.
  6. Technically, the lore says they all have their own native language. It'd be easy to do Orcs and Elves since Tolkien has an elven lexicon and WoW and Gothic both have sturdy representations of language for Orcs. But I still fail to see the point? There is nothing about it that would immerse me more. Especially not with spanish speaking cat people and any form of french, polish, or any other languages native to...reality. I suppose the most practical way to go about it, though, would be to blend all the different versions of skyrim that are in other languages together....but why?
  7. Tytanis has something similar to this. But I think that's a dead project.
  8. Regardless, it'd be nice to own the house and be able to spruce it up with Melvin as well. I am in total agreement with this.
  9. I'm guessing this just isn't too popular?
  10. Yes yes, I know this is old. But to me, starting a new topic requesting this is boarder line flooding if the same person were to do it. So, here's my bump and I resubmit this as a request for any takers.
  11. Well you might have luck here: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6316 There are other links provided for the mods necessary to make it look like that. It's only kinda close to what you suggested, but I'm sure if you contacted either one of them, they would hear you out as a request for them to....modify their...mods.
  12. Just type in Hair in Skyrim Nexus search and you'll find what you're looking for.
  13. kinda like this? :thumbsup: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/535057-scarification/
  14. One of these duplicates should be deleted. I guess this would be alright. I would kind of feel out of place after 200 days had passed and my face still had a giant gash in it. But eh, to each their own.
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