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About Smakis

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  1. Where you download the Milkshape Nif Exporter from? If only I had answered you.... I now need it myself lol haha :sad:
  2. Hello! I asked in the chat where such a question would fit best in for what section, I got an answear that the game-section would be best so... I got a question about Blender. I have modified a Morrowind-item (.nif) with Blender. However... I cannot import and export .nif files with Blender, aswell as I cannot open .blend files with NifSkope. There are addons for Blender as I have tried to install for my Blender, which allows me to do just this with .nif file format. But it seems like the addon refuse to being installed. I cannot seem to find the issue really, as nothing happens, it wont get installed. This is the video I followed for trying to install this addon; I would be most delighted if someone know how to do this "correct" or if someone can send me your own Blender-Directory with the addon already installed. Or if you know another program which can modify .nif files and save them for NifSkope, feel free to tips me :) Thanks!
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