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Everything posted by SkiaMK

  1. Give this a try and tell me if it still crashes... https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_5Sv192Zas25aRBqCe3aZXNdqBFT9U_U
  2. On the fadenode update the number of children then hit the refresh (green arrows in a circle) under it... Then double click the new child link and type the number of the node you want to add as a child. (see screen shot)
  3. Here you go... You had an extraneous BSLightingShaderProperty (which I'm not sure was actually hurting anything but I removed anyway) and you did not place the BSTriShape for your bed-frame within the BSFadeNode. The attached copy should work... I didn't put in CK but I did do a quick and dirty test by renaming it and having overwrite the mesh for the child beds in Dragonsreach so I could see it game and sure enough, other than being purple because I don't have the textures it worked. Cheers, Skia
  4. In your CreationKit.ini Put "bBlockMessageBoxes=1" (without quotes) under the "[MESSAGES]" section. That will get rid of the popups.
  5. Thanks for looking... I will probably beat my head on the wall over it a bit more at some point but for now I am moving on with other aspects of the mod... Still have one more dungeon to design and I need to get scripts written for the people doing voice acting for me. Also, the mod will be adding a new type of crafting material, "Tainted Aetherium" to the game and I still need to decide how many other items I want to make models for and setup the ability to craft them. Edit: If push comes to shove then I will create a patch for the mod that if the user chooses to install it will replace the pick in the mining animation when using Ancient Nordic Pickaxe with my model from my mod so that users can install the patch once they have completed that part of my quest so that they start seeing the new pickaxe in animations.
  6. Yea, I've spent hours poking around CK looking for the link. It just doesn't make sense... I think I know where all the pieces are; I just don't see how they talk to each other... Namely, I don't see for example, how the games knows to call up "dlc02animobjectpickaxewall.nif" instead of "animobjectpickaxe.nif" if you have the Ancient Nordic Pickaxe in your inventory when you start mining... Without that key piece of information all one can do is replace one or both of those nifs with an Animobject nif file of their custom model... But of course if you do that then you have any NPC using a pickaxe also using that model in the animation; not ideal, especially when you're adding a unique pickaxe to the game.
  7. Anyone know how the game knows which AnimObject_____.nif to call when you enter the mining animation? I've made a custom pickaxe model as part of a large mod I am doing and I would really prefer to have the game call that AnimObject only when the player gets the pickaxe in their inventory since the one in the quest us a unique Dwemer pickaxe from the first era and not something that should be seen as the model anytime anyone is using a pickaxe. There has to be a way to do it... I mean, FFS, the game knows to use a difference nif when you have the ancient nord pickaxe in your inventory after all.
  8. @icecreamassassin did you ever find a way to make the game call your custom pickaxe? As best I can work out the call for it must be in the hkx file but as there is no way to change SSE hkx files (at least, not without some convoluted method that involves LE which I would have to download and then convert from the LE version back to SSE)... I'm working on a rather large quest mod that introduces a new material (Tainted Aetherium) to the game and one of the big rewards in the quest line is a Dwemer Pickaxe (custom model) with a Tainted Aetherium blade... I've got way to much time invested in it to scrap it so if push comes to shove I will simply offer the option of having ALL mining use that model but I would much rather force it to call my AnimObject only if the player has that pickaxe in their inventory. Cheers, Skia Edit: Sigh... I extracted the LE hkx files to to xml and I don't see any reference to the AnimObject nifs there either... I'm buggered for how hell the game calls them.
  9. I started out with it as one of the masters on a large quest mod I am currently working on but decided to scrap the ESP and start over without it as one of the masters since I know there are a fair amount of people that don't use it. I can just create a patch if needed; when all is said and done what's one more patch, i'm already expecting to make at least a dozen for various popular mods anyway.
  10. Yep, basically every texture (and normal) needs to have a mipmap. Yep, it will do that... Here, check out this wiki article if you need more info to help you understand what exactly mip maps are and what they do. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mipmap
  11. Not familiar with Gimp so I can't answer that part of your question. Normal files can be compressed, but like any other image file they can show compression artifacts. Personally I leave them uncompressed for small things where the file size is not much of an issue; but when you're doing 4k normal files (really that's overkill in most cases) your mod will end up being massive if you don't compress them. If you're prepping a mod to post I suggest giving 2-3 options such as 2K/2K, 4K/2K, and 4k/4K (defused/normal). You could even do a 4K/4K-Uncompressed BUT I highly suggest you do not include that last option in a FOMOD as it is something only screen archers (people who go after ultra high end screenshots) use and typically is just to much of a drain on most peoples rigs to be a playable format. ALWAYS generate new mipmaps when you change an image. Cheers. Skia
  12. Sounds like you're on the right track then... As for the folder being a mess, well, I know it's a major PITA but I would suggest you make a note of your load order, dump your entire Skyrim folder into a 7z or rar archive as a safety/backup; then do a clean install of Skyrim, install MO2, and get your mods reinstalled via MO2. Then, once you have tested and see it's working you can safely delete the archive of your old Skyrim folder. MO2's virtualization process is just simply unbeatable, add to that the ability to have multiple profiles for different mod setups and it's like turning an alley into a super-highway. For that matter, even mods you on working on could be done via a dedicated profile in MO2, then MO2 would collect every new file with directory structure for you in it's "overwrite" folder; just note that you can get some odd issues occurring when you run CK via MO2 and are working on scripts (if you're working on a completely script free mod just run CK via MO2, but using a profile that doesn't load any other mods to avoid using others modders resources by mistake because even if a modder has open permissions on their resources you need to be aware of what you used from whom so you can credit them. In case you need it, here is a link to GamerPoets MO2 installation video No problem... Who know on the number of answers, some things seem to get lots of response and others non at all...
  13. So... I cloned the book, which was working as intended and used that to recreate the journal... No joy, still popped it's objective the instant it was opened... So after I last ditch effort to find something in the script I overlooked I said screw it and added the "wait" in... I timed myself reading the journal from beginning to end 3 times and then used the average as the time to wait. Tested it out, objectives didn't pop up. Just as I was about to close the game and remove it thinking it broke the script in some way they popped. Reloaded and tested again with a stopwatch, sure enough, they popped "wait" time after the journal was closed. When you posted wait time I thought the objectives would still pop while the journal was open, simply delayed by "wait-time" seconds, but no, they now wait that amount of time after the journal closes. So I set the time to 1 second and that fixed it, now the objectives pop up 1 second after the journal closes... I don't know if I misunderstood what it was meant to accomplish or if this result it not what you expected either but at any rate, thanks, saves me obsessing over it anymore.
  14. Well, list like you already said... Rename scripts, give them a name relative to your mod rather then the default string name CK gives them... Use a file naming convention (e.g. "SkiaMK_ModName_XYZMesh", "SkiaMK_ModName_XYZTexture")... Also the mod I am currently actively working on is the only thing not native to Skyrim (i.e. is from Bethesda) installed in my Skyrim directory, every thing else runs through the MO2 virtualization process; ergo, anything in the folders that isn't part of the clean install files is something that belongs to my mod (think of that as a sort of safety net... as well as a way to be absolutely sure you are not using another modders resources in your mod without realizing it.
  15. Thanks for the heads up... I won't clone a note for anything then... Should be able to just clone a book and then change the mesh and textures.
  16. Hmm... Adding a delay would be better than leaving it as is. I'll use that if I can't find a full solution to the problem. I'm wondering if it has something to do with the item I cloned for the journal; as much of a PITA as it will be I think I may try cloning my book that is working as intended and then changing the contents, mesh and textures, etc. then insert the scripts to that and see how it behaves.
  17. I appreciate the info but that would have the opposite effect of what I am looking for... I want the objectives to display after the book is closed, not as soon as it's opened. Currently, the book that starts the quest off to begin with is behaving the way I want it to, but the journal (a journal book, not the players quest journal) is triggering it's objectives the instant you open it and I don't want that. What I can't figure out is what the hell is causing that because I have both items scripted the same way.
  18. This is driving me bat s#*! crazy... I have two books (well, a book and a journal), The book starts the quest-line, works great, exactly as intended in that you pickup and/or read the book where it is sitting and the quest begins AFTER the bloody thing closes... At a later stage along the quest line you receive the journal, you read the journal... and herein lies the problem. When you open the journal it immediately shows the objective to read the journal as being complete and lists the next objective in the quest line. I have been through all the scripts on the book, the journal, and the rest of the quest and cannot find any bloody difference what-so-ever. WTF am I overlooking, what is it that makes the objectives wait until AFTER you close the damned book/journal/letter/whatever to pop up? I realize in the grand scheme of things I am nit picking seeing as the bloody quest is actually working, but it is bugging me, I would really prefer if the bloody objectives didn't pop up until after the player closes the journal. Anyone have any guesses? Code from both items below (first one from the book, second from the journal)... Cheers, Skia Scriptname SkiaMK_TAQLScript01 extends ObjectReference Int Property MyStage Auto Quest Property MyQuest Auto Event OnRead() MyQuest.SetStage(MyStage) EndEvent Scriptname SkiaMK_TAQL_ReadCJ extends ObjectReference Int Property MyStage Auto Quest Property MyQuest Auto Event OnRead() MyQuest.SetStage(MyStage) EndEvent Each script has it's respective properties set to call the quest and stage in CK.
  19. Oh sweet, thanks... I've heard of doing it this way but had not gotten around to figuring out the code. Cheers, Skia (BTW, sorry for the late reply... keep forgetting to add the email account I use for Nexus to my new phone... going to do that now, it was sheer luck I logged into the account and happened to see this, I had given up on getting any replies to this thread)
  20. For the most part I like it so far but there is one thing already driving me bat s*** crazy... I liked being able to click on the "NexusMods" button to go back to the game page for the game I am currently looking at; having it take me to the main Nexus home page is of no use to me. I would really like to see that either reverted or an additional button added in up there so I don't have to constantly click on the "Games" drop down and mouse over to the game I currently want to see mods for.
  21. Can anyone think of any mods that alter the "MineOreToolsList" form list? I'm working on a unique pickaxe and the more I think about it the more I realize I have only ever seen replacers for pickaxes so perhaps I don't need to worry that altering that list will cause compatibility issues with other mods.
  22. I bet this has been asked 100 times but I'm buggered if I can find the right combination of magic words to get searching the forums to help with an answer that is relevant... What I am wanting to know is this... If I create new textures for a mod on Nexus and decide I am happy enough with them that I want to share them with others am I allowed to post them? I would of course link back to the original mod and flag it as required for my texture pack to work (though in all honesty, at least in this case, the textures could be re-purposed very easily since while they are intended to be used on Mannequins they really are just body textures... Would be somewhat odd of a body to be walking around in, but to each his/her own). Naturally I have tried messaging the original mod author but he/she appears to not be active; looking at their profile shows that have not even been on the nexus site since last December. Cheers, Skia
  23. Well... I thought I had it solved for a minute... Started looking through Windows settings to see if maybe I did something recently since I have been mucking about with getting rid of all the unneeded/unwanted crap in Windows 10, came across "Focus Assist" and turned it back on (I had turned it off). The game loaded without the issue once after that but then went right back to doing it.
  24. Totally understand - the only reason I posted those were because they did indeed happen in the past week with some other players. Since I had no idea what you had .... sometimes we do look over the obvious Oh yea, wireless mice and keyboards can indeed do some really weird s#*! when they have low batteries... As can sticking keys... Sadly, the issue is not that straight forward for me.
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