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Everything posted by Deleted32363610User

  1. Projectors that work in Fallout 4 usually only display "Please Stand By" screen, which is actually only a spotlight. I want my projector to play a short "old-timey" clip. Is this even possible? If so, how can I make this possible?
  2. I am having trouble generating LOD and getting my world map to appear for my custom world space. It's been a while since I've modded Fallout 4, however, I've successfully imported a heightmap, generated LOD, and my custom world map appeared in the Pip-Boy. Only trouble, I forgot how I did it. If only I had thought to write it down... I want to figure it out again. And this time I want to make a public guide for anyone else who wants to know how to do this. Here is what I have been doing...Apparently it's wrong though... 1) Create a new world space - Parent: NONE - Climate: DefaultClimate - Cell Coordinates: -8, 8, -8, 8 - Small World: Uncheck - Map Image: WorldName_d.dds (Image is exported as DTX1, no alpha) 2) Import a height map - Navigate to World / Height map Import: - Cell Coords: -8, -8, 8, 8 (Yes, the order is different than in World Spaces) - Max Height: 8192 - Successfully import Heightmap 3) SAVE - ModName.esp 4) Load my world in the render window - View cells, observe how my world looks - Name a cell, so that I can "coc cellname" - In named cell, add a coc marker and some random objects. 5) SAVE 6) Generate LOD - Navigate to World / World LOD: - Clear cashe - Generate: Terrain Meshes - Generate: Diffuse and Normal maps - Generate: Static meshes, with Specular, Tree Flats (Do not save after generating LOD) 7) Open Elric tool - /Steam/steamapps/common/Fallout4/Tools/Elric: - Run Elric as Admin - Output: Fallout 4/Data/Textures/Terrain: - Convert: common/Source/Terrain: 8 Make sure everything is in the right folder - World map is in /data/textures/interface/pip-boy/ - LOD is in the newly created /data/textures/terrain/WorldName What am I doing wrong? The only thing I have success with is importing a height map. I've done this right a while back. I had a custom world space about a year ago. It had LOD and a custom world map. I had a process similar to this.
  3. Thanks. I was thinking about using playAnimation, but I haven't tested it yet. It just seemed like it wouldn't work because I am ACIVATING the elevator. Except for activating the elevator with a button, I want to activate it when the cell loads.
  4. I am using the 'SimpleElevatorPackIn' and I want it to start animating as soon as the cell loads. With 4 hours of adjusting and testing, I haven't been able to get the below solution to work. So I think that you guys probably have a totally different way than editing a vanilla script. Hopefully you guys can help me figure it out. First, in the vanilla script 'SimpleElevatorMasterScript', I created a new property called 'AutoActivate' in the required group. bool property AutoActivate = False auto const {Should the elevator start in the Active state? Default: False}Then I made an event. Event OnCellLoad() if AutoActivate GoToState("Busy") activate(self) endif EndEvent I played around with the event for a few hours. I tried to use 'onTriggerEnter', 'onActivate' and more, but still failed. So maybe there's a better solution than editing the script. ----------- Personally, how would you make a SimpleElevator automatically start animating on cell load? You don't have to build unto my solution, because it's probably wrong. Edit: The conventional way is to press a button, which activates the elevatormaster. This is not applicable in my situation. The elevator must start animating as soon as the cell fully loads.
  5. EDIT: I don't know how I created two duplicate posts on the forums, but it was an accident! I apologize! WHAT I AM DOING: First of all, I have reasons due to my quest's story not to use a traditional elevator. It must be custom. So I made a custom elevator from the "SimpleElevatorPackIn". I have two cells, "ConSub01" and "ConSub02". The player is escaping "ConSub01" via elevator to "ConSub02", therefore, both cells have two identical appearing elevators because the person playing will need to understand it's the same elevator. So far, everything works fine except for the final part. In "ConSub01", the player presses a button to activate the elevator and rides it up until a trigger makes the screen fade black and an "AutoloadDoor" teleports the player to "ConSub02". Now, what is SUPPOSE to happen is when the cell "ConSub02" loads, the screen fades from black to normal and the elevator will AUTOMATICALLY be animating. However, when I teleport to ConSub02, the screen fades from black to normal, but unless I activate the elevator with a button, it will not animate automatically. Solutions: (Failed) Here is a list of some solutions I have attempted during the past 3+ hours. None were successful. NOTE: I reverted the script back to it's original version, so I am basically recalling the code I wrote. Since I am using the SimpleElevatorPackIn, I decided to edit it's vanilla script (in a way that wouldn't effect any other elevator, but would automatically activate my elevator). I first made a new property called "AutoActivate", which will be 'False' by default so it doesn't effect other elevators. In the required property group, I wrote: bool property AutoActivate = False auto const {Should the elevator start in the Active state? Default: False} Then I wrote something similar to this: Event OnCellLoad() if AutoActivate GoToState("Busy") activate(self) endif EndEvent ; I also tried the following: Event OnLoad() if(AutoActivate == True) ... I also tried to use "Self.BlockActivation" in the OnCellLoad Event. I later wrote similar Events (such as 'OnTriggerEnter' and 'onActivate' events) in the "auto STATE WaitingForActivate" section. And placed a 'DefaultActivateSelfTrigger' covering the yellow teleport marker. I'm not that familiar with Papyrus or the CKit. So I'm sure someone here can come up with a possible solution. I also tried to look at the NukaWorldTransitCenter. Because Bethesda does something very similar to what I want; automatically start animating on cell load. But unfortunately Im not able to see the scripts source. The scripts aren't loaded or something...
  6. EDIT: I don't know how I created two duplicate posts on the forums, but it was an accident! I apologize! WHAT I AM DOING: First of all, I have reasons due to my quest's story not to use a traditional elevator. It must be custom. So I made a custom elevator from the "SimpleElevatorPackIn". I have two cells, "ConSub01" and "ConSub02". The player is escaping "ConSub01" via elevator to "ConSub02", therefore, both cells have two identical appearing elevators because the person playing will need to understand it's the same elevator. So far, everything works fine except for the final part. In "ConSub01", the player presses a button to activate the elevator and rides it up until a trigger makes the screen fade black and an "AutoloadDoor" teleports the player to "ConSub02". Now, what is SUPPOSE to happen is when the cell "ConSub02" loads, the screen fades from black to normal and the elevator will AUTOMATICALLY be animating. However, when I teleport to ConSub02, the screen fades from black to normal, but unless I activate the elevator with a button, it will not animate automatically. Solutions: (Failed) Here is a list of some solutions I have attempted during the past 4+ hours. None were successful. NOTE: I reverted the script back to it's original version, so I am basically recalling the code I wrote. Since I am using the SimpleElevatorPackIn, I decided to edit it's vanilla script (in a way that wouldn't effect any other elevator, but would automatically activate my elevator). I first made a new property called "AutoActivate", which will be 'False' by default so it doesn't effect other elevators. In the required property group, I wrote: bool property AutoActivate = False auto const {Should the elevator start in the Active state? Default: False} Then I wrote something similar to this: Event OnCellLoad() if AutoActivate GoToState("Busy") activate(self) endif EndEvent ; I also tried the following: Event OnLoad() if(AutoActivate == True) ... I also tried to use "Self.BlockActivation" in the OnCellLoad Event. I later wrote similar Events (such as 'OnTriggerEnter' and 'onActivate' events) in the "auto STATE WaitingForActivate" section. And placed a 'DefaultActivateSelfTrigger' covering the yellow teleport marker. None of that worked. I'm not that familiar with Papyrus or the CKit. So I'm sure someone here can come up with a possible solution. I hope I can figure out what Im dong wrong
  7. How do I find music in public domain? lol EDIT: I mean, where are legit places? Any trustworthy websites?
  8. I want to build a new radio station in my 'new world' quest mod. I want to add 3-5 songs from the 1950s that arn't already in Fallout 4. I'm not going to be earning any money, but I guess I would still be distributing these songs since they would be in the mod's files (people will be downloading the music when they download the mod.) Any advice?
  9. I have a working elevator. And it worked perfectly. I later added a terminal and 'ElevatorMaster' marker. The ElevatorMaster made the elevator start in a deactivated state. And the player will use a terminal to 'power on' the elevator. Everything is linked correctly. Everything is correct. I double checked. I triple checked. Here is the problem I am having: When I click the elevator call button. The elevator loads correctly every time. Here is an image: http://i.imgur.com/9mnVqGx.jpg However, when I click the elevator door. The elevator doors open, but there's no elevator car to enter. But it still works correctly. I can walk inside and activate the elevator panel. Then the elevator car loads and I travel to the correct interior cell. Here is an image: http://i.imgur.com/9YOZ2p2.jpg
  10. Thank you. I will try that. QUESTION: How do I create a new global variable? I'm a noob
  11. Player's inventory? What? No items are added or removed. I want a menu option in a terminal to be removed or changed.
  12. I added "bool onlyonce". There were no errors but that did nothing.
  13. I have a terminal with a menu item called "Power on elevator". This powers on my elevator when selected. How do I change or remove the menu item. As it only needs to be selected once.
  14. ADDITIONAL QUESTION: We need a menu item that says "Power on elevator". But once we click it and power on the elevator, how do I remove/change the menu item? We don't need it anymore.
  15. That's guys, I got it to work! Thank you, RedRocketTV. I totally forgot about the elevator in the Swtichboard. It's actually really easy, once you understand it. All you need is an "ElevatorMaster" (it's that red bubble marker). It has a script called "elevatormasterscript". Double click and change 'bStartDeactivated' to 'True'. Then you'll need to link your ElevatorMaster marker to your elevator. Just link to your elevator exactly the same way it is done in the "SwitchBoard" interior cell. (There's a lot of links, as you have to link to the inner and outer doors, the panels and meters.) In your terminal, you'll need to create a new menu item. In this example, we'll call it "Power on elevator". Create a new property called 'pElevatorMaster' as an 'Object Reference' and use the 'pick reference in render window' tool to select your ElevatorMaster marker. Click OK and go back to your menu item. In the box where you can type Payprus Fragments, type the following: (pElevatorMaster as ElevatorMasterScript).MakeElevatorFunctional()This is what I did and it works. But if you have any trouble, just replicate exactly how it's done in the "SwitchBoard" cell.
  16. I have a working elevator. It was actually very easy. But I want my elevator to start in a deactivated state, and if the player tries to activate it, it displays a message saying it 'requires power'. The player will use a terminal to activate the elevator. I have been experimenting for an hour or so, but honestly, I don't know what to do.
  17. Thank you guys! This helped a lot! ------ And @RedRocketTV I like your YouTube channel. I followed your elevator tutorial a few months back. Hope you're able to upload more tutorials.
  18. In my mod, the Gunners, a mercenary group, have been hired to track down and eliminate the player character. The Gunner squad will appear at random places. If the player loots the Gunner commander, they will see a note that says something like: Client: CLASSIFIED Target: [PLAYER'S NAME] Sex: [PLAYER'S GENDER] Age: [PLAYER'S AGE] Target Overview: Some more descriptive text. How can I add the player's name and gender to the note? And I assume the player's age is around 28-30. But if you guys know the exact age, please let me know.
  19. What is the "correct" .DDS type and correct folder? Here's what I did. I took my greyscale heightmap and converted it to .DDS and put it into the 'Data\textures\Interface\Pip-Boy' folder. It is the same exact size image as my heightmap, just .DDS format.
  20. If you can't explain step by step, could you please reference a tutorial? Thank you :)
  21. Could you layout the necessary steps I need to do, please? Thank you and kind regards, Anon
  22. No, it doesn't have a parent world space. And I did select a map for it to use. What do you mean, was my "map done perfectly perfect". What are the requirements for a map to work?
  23. I have created a custom world space and I want to add a custom world map. To add a world map, I navigated to 'World -> World spaces -> My New World'. In my world space, I found a section called Map Image. I added my world map to the file location 'Interface\Pip-Boy\MyWorldMap.dds' (This is where Fallout 4's Commonwealth's world map is located). Then I selected 'Map Image', which opened a file menu where I found and selected my world map. I saved and launched Fallout 4, and when I visited my new world space, I opened my pip-boy and navigated to the 'Map' tab. The Commonwealth map was being displayed, not my world map. What am I doing wrong? How can I display a custom world map in my custom world space?
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