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About htomeht

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  1. Just let him work on his mod in his own time, the less time he spends catering to your whims and wishes the more time he has to actually mod...
  2. Quoting yourself within a 5 post limit is beyond meaningless. If someone wants to answer they will, but it will get less likely if you abuse the quote function.
  3. Copy/Paste without consent is illegal. Also, I don't see why it should need to be included in this mod, it is a mod in it's own right.
  4. Getting mauled to death while taking a leak.. wouldn't that just make my day. :P You could use the sneak anim for taking a dump.. I mean that's what it looks like they are doing anyways. I really hate the sneak animation..
  5. Ice box... that seems very wrong and not overly realistic. Much better to go with preserving through salting the meat or smoking it or something.. If one where to go down that route..
  6. No one has made killmoves. All kill moves currently added as mods where already in the game but disabled. Adding Animations is really tricky right now, there is no easy way to do it. Progress is being made but it will take time. On top of that ripping AC moves would be illegal, even though AC looks awesome. If the animation problem gets fixed it would be cool if we could import The Witcher animations and convert them to the skyrim rig.. but I believe it will be difficult, very difficult if possible at all.
  7. I like it that he will be a *censored* to kill... more dragons should be bitches to kill...
  8. Depends. Simply removing all mods should return it to vanilla, but your saves might be corrupted. So if you dont want to keep your saves or you have mostly added texture packs and things that don't change any game mechanics or parameters then you could safely just remove the lot.
  9. Yes, Beth has said that the CK will be out today. With a surprise. However 1.4 is already out.
  10. Don't know if there is any mod that adds only that, but PISE adds potion using to enemies.
  11. Soo.. you want to make child porn? Learn to filter your words mate...
  12. Maybe Dimonized UNP is for you? Search on the nexus.
  13. Just remove the meshes folder. Vanilla has no mesh folder, its all hidden in the bsa. Also, start using a mod manager, you will save your self a bunch of head ache.
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