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Everything posted by MonkeyTim

  1. Hi, I love the website, but I have just a small request. When I read through installation instructions or anything else, I find it different to distinguish between zeros(0) and 'O'. This is especially confusing when I need to change/add text in a .txt file as I can't read if I am to write zero or 'O'. All I ask is that the font of zero changes from '0' to a zero with a line through it to make it easily distinguishable between 'O' and zero. I may be being dumb, and there may be some sort of setting, or something to do with my browser settings (if so, please let me know). But if it is on the Nexus's end, could I request it to be changed? Thank you for reading, I hope I'm not being picky or anything, but I just find this to be a tedious problem. Hopefully I'm not the only person suffering it.
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