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  1. Oh, just the layout for the chapel was bugging me as I was building it (I was copying the chapel in the Volkihar Castle Dungeon Chapel as closely as possible), and it would've been so much easier with a triangle floor piece so the other half of the square wasn't overlapping into the room behind the chapel. I got around it by simply not have the square at a 45 degree angle like it is in the dungeon.
  2. Ah, I thought there was a way. Now I just need different shaped floor pieces, like triangles and such :p
  3. I know I can filter, just didn't know I could preview, so thanks again. I don't suppose there's a way to rotate stuff without double-clicking, is there? It'd just be faster is all.
  4. Oh, my god, thank you! Trying to figure it out was driving me insane! I wish there was a preview window so i could see what models look like before dragging them to the render window, that would at least help a little. I had a similar issue with the chapel, I didn't even know there was a mid piece that was just a floor and roof so i could make the chapel wider, I had to shrink the chapel because of that, and widening it again would mean having to spend ages moving everything else as the chapel is the centrepiece.
  5. The castle tileset from Dawnguard, it's a mod inspired by my failed attempt to refurbish the dungeon for when the main questline is over. It caused CTD issues with the Soul Cairn portal, so i am rebuilding from scratch in a new cell. It's not very user friendly, which means I spend as much time looking for what I want as i do actually building rooms.
  6. ... connect a large hall to a small room, or a large room to a small hall? Either would work, I want to have a large dining room with a small kitchen for my dungeon/temple.
  7. I want to create a mod using assets from the castle volkihar dungeon, specifically the chapel, but doing so causes CTDs when using the soul cairn portal if I edit that cell at all. If i duplicate the cell, can I safely edit the duplicate cell without affecting anything from the original cell? It'd save me a lot of time writing down the name of every asset and how many of each asset there are so i can painstakingly recreate it from scratch.
  8. I know, my issue is more that I want my fences and so on to be in straight lines so that they look nice. For example, I want to rebuild the fence around the edge of The Slog, but there is no way to make sure the posts are exactly in the corners of the large surface area (the raised concrete with the pool in the middle) and not at some weird angle which causes the fence to move either over the edge or away from it the more I build. I want a proper grid, or some way of having proper control of exactly how things are placed and where.
  9. As the title suggests, I would very much like a mod that creates a placement grid within all settlements, or at least allows us to have items snap into position, such as a sofa snapping to the wall or a gate snapping to the side of the house.
  10. So, this mod ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/193/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D193&pUp=1 ) hasn't been updated in years. It's a small mod that makes all ore veins glow so you don't miss them, but it was abandoned before the first dlc came out. I'd like to request that somebody update the mod to include all dlc. I'd do it myself, but I have no idea how.
  11. Oh, I did get a reply, albeit several months later :tongue: Yes, my issue is with guards and NPCs deliberately walking into my line of fire. It is beyond infuriating, and I'd settle for any option, be it removing bounties while in combat or whatever, just so long as I no longer keep having to reload cos some npc or guard decided today was the perfect day to be a dumbass.
  12. Barbers and important NPC locations would be nice as well, for that matter.
  13. Basically, I want to make Geralt look fabulous. And I don't just mean colourful fabulous, I mean if he walks along the shore ships will crash fabulous. Also, more dashing outfits and such, all customisable colours and such ofc. Cos let's face it, sometimes Geralt just wants to look awesome.
  14. I like some of the hair and beard styles in the game, but there are far too few imho, and the ones I do like have annoying little things that big my ocd to no end. Specifically, I like the shaved sides ponytail, but there are those two strands of hair that hang down on the left side of his face, it annoys the crap out of me. Also, I want to have just a normal ponytail with all his hair tied back. I like his goatee, but it'd be nice if there were a version of it that's as short as it is when you have the trimmed beard style, cos the sideburns don't look that good. Also, being able to dye his hair/beard/eyebrows would be amazing. White hair suits him, but I like to change things up.
  15. Of all the problems Skyrim has, two have infuriated me to no end; one of them is fixed with the "Silence is Golden" mod but I've not seen a fix for the other (and I did check before posting). It doesn't matter who or what is attacking, or what angle I attack an enemy from, if there are friendly NPCs/Guards around they will always, and I do mean always, push me out of the way and stand in front of me while I'm attacking, which results in me hitting them and getting a bounty for it. I would absolutely love for there to be a fix for this as it's so annoying, and I'm sick of having to reload from the latest (auto) save because NPCs and Guards are suicidally stupid.
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